
New Member
Hi all

I have a 2003 td6 with 65k on clock. Just recently i have been feeling a vibrating through the steering wheel, only very slight but noticeable. Today when doing 70-80 on A1 and moving from outside lane to inside lane (quarter turn left hand down) i felt quite a severe juddering. This was 3 miles into my journey, after 20 miles/20 mins or so the juddering seemed to disappear, very strange. Any thoughts/ideas before i have my pants pulled down at the main stealers??

Thanks in advance

The first thing that comes to mind is wheel balance, if one or both front wheels are out of balance, you may not pick up the judder from the wheels until you reach a certain speed, it could be 30 mph or it could be 80 mph. Weights used to balance wheels can and do sometimes drop off, or can be knocked off when off road.
Thanks Ironhorse i'll check that, i've had un balanced wheels before and the judder from that happened even in a straight line this only occurs when wheel is turned, will check it just the same

What does the tyre wear look like? Is it even across the tread or are the inside or outside edges warn?
Hi Bassman

The tyre wear is even across the tyres and tyre pressure in both front tyres is correct.


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