
Well-Known Member
Having battled and beaten the window gremlins etc ahead of our journey to Normandy, I now would like to know from the vast data base of yourselves (not being sarcastic) as to if there is an 'on board' head lamp adjuster. When I was rather ill in hospital earlier in the year I am sure I read in one of the manuals that this is possible, unfortuntely I can't remember...chemo brain does that to you! I also can't find my wonderful embossed owners guide set which seems to have disappeared, so I was wondering if anyone knows if the change can be made using the 'brain' or if we just have to stick defelectors? Thanks a bundle in advance.
We have it on ours, it just makes dip beam flat.
Take the cover off the back, use your phone look inside and take a pic, you are looking for a lever with a white plastic tab on it (well ours is) move it in the opposite direction up/down. 2 min job once you know where to feel.

don’t know if your year has it.
ours was not available on the stalk control, not seen it in the brain as a setting.

If you can't find this on yours, and yours has headlight height adjustment, simply set it lower that usual, it'll be enough, you will still get usuable mainbeam.
It's what we have been doing for the past 19 years toing and froing to our place over here (as we is in Frogland now) and I drive from Caen to the Tarn overnight. ;)

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