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Hi all

Just wondered if anybody had any idea about a small issue I am having. When I come to start the engine first thing a morning it starts perfect straight away on the key but the engine seems to idle at around 1100rpm then after about 3 or 4 minutes it goes down to around 500rpm, if I move the transmission out of park before the 3 or 4 minutes have passed it drops to around 600rpm and drives perfectly. When I come back after switching engine off for a few minutes e.g filling up at petrol station it starts pretty much straight away and idles at around 500rpm straight away even in park, but if I switch off and leave it for more than a few minutes e.g. Go shopping for a hour or so and I come back to it, it struggles to start it's like it's not getting enough battery power or fuel to start but it has just had a new original land rover battery fitted. I spoke to someone I know about it about and they seemed to thing it may be because the fuel in the fuel lines has evaporated because it had cooled down a bit after being left. Any ideas how I can solve it, or is this a normal thing on these cars.

I'll be honest and tell you I know nothing about this model, however, what does raise an eyebrow is the fact that petrol can evaporate from a sealed system! Where on earth your friend get that idea. OK I may be wrong but....
Good point! On old carburettor cars yes, but... Anyway question for Matt: When you say "struggles to start" does this mean it`s slow turning over, or does it turn over quickly, but you`ve to crank over for longer before she catches?
Good point! On old carburettor cars yes, but... Anyway question for Matt: When you say "struggles to start" does this mean it`s slow turning over, or does it turn over quickly, but you`ve to crank over for longer before she catches?

No it sounds like it's turning over ok but it cranks over longer before it catches when its been left for a while, what made me thing about the battery is as some times the lights on the dash struggle to extinguish while the engine is cranking, like it's not got enough power to crank the engine and have the dash indicator lights on e.g. The battery indiacator, oil etc... No warning lights are lit and the car reports check control ok so threes nothing wrong with any system.
Did you check the breather pipes? If there fcuked then they can cause problems starting.

Hi rob, ahhh I forgot to check these, do you know where they are located to check them and what they should feel/look like. I will check them tomorrow morning, if it was these why would it start first thing in the morning fine but not when it's been used then left for a while? Did you get your LPG conversion?

Hi matt. Not had it done yet as got delayed withthe dealer having the car 2weeks to fix a few problems. Going to get it done week after next I think. Not sure why the pipes may cause starting problems but that's what I was told. Take the engine cover off 4x 5mm Allen bolts only need a 1/4 turn. The cover then just lifts off. The breather pipes are located at the top f the engine at the back of the inlet manifold. The pipes should be quite hard with a bit of flex. My nackered one's had split and felt like jelly. If you can't find them will take a few photos for you.
Hi matt. Not had it done yet as got delayed withthe dealer having the car 2weeks to fix a few problems. Going to get it done week after next I think. Not sure why the pipes may cause starting problems but that's what I was told. Take the engine cover off 4x 5mm Allen bolts only need a 1/4 turn. The cover then just lifts off. The breather pipes are located at the top f the engine at the back of the inlet manifold. The pipes should be quite hard with a bit of flex. My nackered one's had split and felt like jelly. If you can't find them will take a few photos for you.

Hi rob, checked them this morning think I found the correct pipes, they felt and look like brand new there is no dirt or dust on them at all they look brand new. There's no record of them being changed in the service log but they don't look like they need changing. I'm a bit stuck with this one, it's not causing major problems but I would like to know what is causing it to happen. Does yours have any problems when the engine is still warm starting? I'm gonna have a look at that radio station thing for you this afternoon, will report back what I find out.

Had a similar problem with an 04 plate, but eventually cut out and failed to start, called the stealer who recoverd the car and fitted a new fuel pump FOC, said they new about the problem but didn't put out a recall? Was fine after but since sold it.
Had a similar problem with an 04 plate, but eventually cut out and failed to start, called the stealer who recoverd the car and fitted a new fuel pump FOC, said they new about the problem but didn't put out a recall? Was fine after but since sold it.

Hi mate, did you buy the car new from the sealer you got the pump from? Do you think this is something I could get for free if I phoned a land rover dealer if they know it's a known faulty item?
Yes I did get the car from main dealer, as for getting a freebie not sure as this could have been a fault on export models only? fortunatly the service manager is from the UK and a mate, so not sure if the UK dealers will be so forthcoming with info if it's gonna cost them!
Hi Guys just out of curiosity have you checked / changed the plugs as i had some thing similar on my L322, when getting warm and left for a while one of the plugs was intermittantly going to earth, this caused it to run ok ish and not even seem to miss fire, just difficult to start intially ??

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