
2004 Autobiography. New battery Easter 2012.
After about a week, my RR battery is so flat I cannot even get the key in the ignition....the car properly shuts down, as the red light next to "park" goes out.

The rear parking sensors played up in the winter and spring, but every time I took the car to a landy expert no faults were showing, so I left it and the problem seems to have gone away. Maybe only because the weather is dry.

The only other thing I have noticed is that the headlamp washers don't wash, the wipers work but they don't spew out water.

The satnav occasionally told me on long journeys that "it could no longer navigate to the destination", I have disconnected the DVD Sat nav, squirted the connectors and put it back. All seems ok in map mode but I haven't had any problems since.

I am not aware of any other electrical components that don't work causing a short circuit.
comments welcome
The heater Final Stage Resistor has been known to fail causing a battery drain....aswell as the Headlamp Wipers not parking correctly causing a drain...

Pop the fuse out for the Headlamp Wipers and see if this stops it...if not, try the HEVAC fuses!

If that doesn't cure it, time to start some fuse pulling until the drain stops!
Thank you but is the heater final stage resistor the same as the HEVAC fuses....(daft question)

presumably this is in the foot well fuse box somewhere

Heater Fan resistor.....interestingly I have noticed on occasions rather a spasmodic heater fan operation. Often when cold, I can turn the fan on full to defrost but it comes on only low then comes on full after a few minutes almost by itself. I used to think that it was because the engine was cold and that it did this so as not to fill the cabin with air on a cold winter day until it had warmed up.

Also, there have been two or three occasions where I have heard a loud buzzing noise from the drivers foot well. it stopped eventually so I thought little of it.

When googling the heater fan resistor, I have read about this 'buzzer' during the removal and replacement of the HFR....don't know what the buzzer is for though but it has buzzed a few times, albeit rare.

Looks like this/these things may be the battery drain
The Fan Motor will operate at a lower speed until the heater matrix has warmed up - this is normal!

Buzzing - Not sure I have heard of that, you can get a slight buzz/hum from the little temp sensor fan in the HEVAC panel if there is a bit of fluff caught in it!

There is no Footwell Fuse box on the L322 - Glove Box, boot and a couple in the Engine Bay E-Box is all I know of!
#saint.v8 thanks for clarifying that.

I'll check the headlamp wiper washer motor first since the jets do not currently wash....then I'll check the heater fan resistor (somehow?) and HEVAC. Then its as you say, down to pulling fuses and seeing what's what.
Just to update this forum, the headlamp motor and washer were replaced which certainly helped, but the battery was CR@P. Bought a new Bosch one (5 year warrantee) and its been perfect ever since.
Just to update this forum, the headlamp motor and washer were replaced which certainly helped, but the battery was CR@P. Bought a new Bosch one (5 year warrantee) and its been perfect ever since.
Data wins again............ :D

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