Adrian Flux Insurance - Click Here to get a quote!


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Hi all has anyone tried to insure there p 38 with liverpool victoria , when i rang them up they said they would not insure my rangie , 4.6 lpg 1999, un less it had a tracker they told me it would only save me about 40 quid if i had one so i rang adrian flux up and got fully comp for £235 with out a traker. anyone have an idea why lv are asking for a tracker?????????? :confused::confused:
Hi all has anyone tried to insure there p 38 with liverpool victoria , when i rang them up they said they would not insure my rangie , 4.6 lpg 1999, un less it had a tracker they told me it would only save me about 40 quid if i had one so i rang adrian flux up and got fully comp for £235 with out a traker. anyone have an idea why lv are asking for a tracker?????????? :confused::confused:

for when it got stolen:rolleyes:
some insurance companies have their own requirements like wanting a thatcham cat 1 immobiliser fitted so i guess that company require trackers?

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