
Active Member
A few months ago I posted with a booming/vibration I get from my L Series freelander between 1700-2000rpm in 4th gear and at about 1500-1750rpm in 5th gear under full load, cant get it to happen in any other gear at any other rpm. It does not occur whilst in natural or stationery. When the problem occurs if I press the clutch pedal down but keep the revs between 1500-2000rpm in 4th/5th gears the problem disappears. So basically when the driveline is removed from the engine the problem goes. Propshaft is currently removed from the vehicle, but it was there with prop on to.

Not been able to work on it for a few months as have been too busy working and just lived with the problem.

Well today I started on it again and I have now found that if I disconnect the hose from the intercooler to the intake manifold (so its running naturally aspirated) its perfect no boom or vibration at all so think I am getting somewhere and hoping some wizard on here will no where to look next?

So any ideas what the problem could be??

Stumped at the moment. As soon as I reconnected the hose problem reappears. Thought it might be the hose itself but at the time the problem happens there is no lack of power and no black smoke etc which I would expect if the hose is causing the problem?

Here is the list of parts which have previously been replaced months ago (problem was there before and after these parts were fitted) so I no its none of these (not all changed as a result of this problem some parts needed replacing as worn and to get through MOT) –
Front Driveshafts
Lower tie rod
Gearbox/engine mount
4 new tyres
Clutch (had flywheel at the time to)
Front exhaust downpipe (hole in it)
Drop links and anti roll bar bushes
Gearbox and IRD oil changed but both those were clean anyway when drained.

Any ideas be appreciate folks :)
I have the same probeme.... :confused:since it was bought 8 years ago (25 000km). Mine is a 2000 Xedi. Seems to be a problem with some L series vehicles when the engine is under a certain amount of load/strain at these revs. I removed the propshaft and no improvement. I know of a few few guys with similar symptoms. It has not gotten worse, but has resulted in the exhaust bracket that bolts onto the gearbox cracking/breaking twice. If there is a cure, I would like to know about it please. I have learnt to live with it.:rolleyes:
Might be a long shot, but its an idea!, Have you tried the air filter?

completely removed the air box and resonator in the inner wing just to rule them out, problem still there!

There is a cure, remove the pipe that goes on the intake manifold and just hope it dont suck any crap into the intake!!!! As I said earlier when I remove this pipe the problem goes, only problem is its running naturally aspirated with that pipe off and its slow when its turbocharged so dangerous as a NA!!

Must be a cure, I have drove my mates and his dont do it!!!
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IIRC there was a technical bulletin and recall about this and it was to do with the position of the inlet pipe on the air box. The noise is I assume resonance of the air column in the inlet tract. I have an 2000my XeDi and remember reading this. If I find it I will post the info on here.
Interesting....... What I have noticed is that the airfilter box must vibrate quite a bit as you can see where it hits the interecooler pipe. But when you feel it, it feels secure. I can only assume it is when you get the vibration. I would be interested to see what the fix is. I will also poke around again and see if I can see anything. But it feels as if the whole engine vibrates... you feel it resonate through the body. I thought maybe engine mountings, but they are okay.
I have stopped working on it now to be honest, after everything thats been done on it, I will propably just get rid and get a another Japanese motor as never had any problems with them, thought i would try a British brand but just too many problems unfortunately.

I have also just looked at a load of threads on here after searching and lots of people discuss this 'thrumming' through the car on acceleration at around 2000rpm in higher gears 4th and 5th but nobody ever seems to have fixed it.
I had anothet go at it over the weekend... no luck. I resigned myself to the fact that it is a characteristic of this vechicle, and learnt to work around it, so now it does not bother me anymore. Had a MF 1080 tractor once that gave similar symptons at specific revs while under load..... frustrating but you learn to get by.
I would agree about the characteristic, but I drove my mates L Series Freelander and his does not do it, if this was a characteristic I am sure LR would have had hundreds of buys backs and put some sort of bulletin out on how to fix it.
Just wondering about the resonance theory. This is waves of air pulsing along, so taking it further, pulsating air is going into the engine manifold. Wouldnt this then give differing compression into the cylinders.... and perhaps out of the exhaust?

If it is resonance, its gonna go somewhere!

Has anyone tried changing the length of the intake pipe?
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I really dont no mate, its all beyond me now, it really is! I did get a brand new pipe that runs from the intercooler to the intake manifold as it was only £20. Disconnected the old pipe and took her for a spin to make sure and no issue, put the new pipe on bang problem reappears so it aint the pipe either. Only pipe left is the long one that goes from the intercooler to turbo then thats the whole air system replaced/ruled out even thought removing the pipe from the intake manifold cures the problem! Would it do any harm running it as a naturally aspirated and just having the pipe from the intercooler to the intake manifold removed and just put a filter on the intake manifold? I dont use the car for high speed i.e. motorways and thrumming is that bad when it occurs would rather do without the turbo!
Just wondering about the resonance theory. This is waves of air pulsing along, so taking it further, pulsating air is going into the engine manifold. Wouldnt this then give differing compression into the cylinders.... and perhaps out of the exhaust?

If it is resonance, its gonna go somewhere!

Has anyone tried changing the length of the intake pipe?
Are you low on compression on one pot and this is causing the pulsation to start?
Well not tried a compression test to be honest, if low on compression would have thought I would get some loss of power or poor running which I dont, but suppose its worth a go as I would rule nothing out now!

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