
New Member
Just done the HG on my L-Series (it's on YT If you've seen 'Horace the Hippo'), and the car is still proving tough to start. I am thinking Injectors or Glow Plugs. I've read through several posts on injectors and see that switching out to Rover SDI ones is a good upgrade. Are there any part numbers to look for? Quick scan suggests that the Rover ones are 1/3 of the price of LR ones (looking on John Craddock). When removing the injectors, are they a complete pig to extract - seen some diesels needing Thor to remove them.

Also, on the glow plugs I've seen to avoid 'eBay £13 ones', again, any recommended plugs? Britpart etc?

Any diesel change glow plugs first as cheapest option.

I have 13 quid specials in my 200, been in there a few years now with no issues.
Pump timing, I have checked 4 times with pins after doing the HG/Timing belts. The shaft bolt was not touched during the repair. It was getting hard to start before doing the HG, timing wire is connected, but guess it could be failed. Although it seems hit and miss, sometimes fires up on the button sometimes cranks for a while
Its not something like the non-return valve in the hand/bulb pump broke and letting fuel fall back to the tank? I'd have thought you'd need some way for air to get in for that though - have you noticed any fuel leaks?
Must admit, I'm constantly amazed how my 26 year old L Series always starts on the button first turn.

The only fuel related thing I've ever done to it in 15 years owning it is replacing the leak back hoses that had perished.

In fact other than servicing & belts/tensioners, I think the only things I've done to the engine as a whole is the leak back hoses and 1 induction hose.

But it does leak oil!

Oh and it did fail a WOF (MOT) on an engine mount once, so I replaced that. But it was worse than the original, so I took it off and put the original back on - that was years ago and it must have been through another dozen WOFs since then. :D
Yeah, I've done leak back hoses last year after what I think were the originals had perished. I was only looking at the Rover injectors mainly because they increase torque which for towing would help a lot. Gonna run some injector cleaner through the next tank. Got some oil leaks to track down but they are minor. Tried doing the gearbox oil but the filler plug had been done up stupid tight so it's just got what it's got for now.

Just scraped the MOT yesterday, got a nice long job list to do, drop links, brake lines, coil springs were advised as corroded, small spot of corrosion to tackle as well underneath somewhere.

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