
Active Member
Hi, i know kwik fit? why? Well my friend couldnt do the regas as he no longer has the correct licence to do it, so went to Kwik fit and they did it for £49!! If it dont make it colder they dont charge you. Now its nice and cold, so money well spent i say. :cool:
I also got mine recharged at Kwik fit. As much as I dislike them for everything else, I couldn't argue with £49 to regas. If it leaks during the test, the don't fill it and don't charge you. If it doesn't make your vent temperature lower by 10 deg C, they don't charge you.

I had test book every now and again prior to charging (not every journey). Aircon now works perfectly, icy cold, but still have test book every now and again so my fault wasn't directly related to lack of gas. one day i'll find out the fault code behind it !
Hi, i know kwik fit? why? Well my friend couldnt do the regas as he no longer has the correct licence to do it, so went to Kwik fit and they did it for £49!! If it dont make it colder they dont charge you. Now its nice and cold, so money well spent i say. :cool:

You need a licence to re-gas a aircon system? That has to be a windup.
Hi yes did have the book showing every now and again,been out tonight and it didnt come on once.,so must have just been low on gas. And yes apparently from July you need some sort of licence/certificate to buy and use the gas. £4000 fine he said if you dont have it. His words not mine.
Hi yes did have the book showing every now and again,been out tonight and it didnt come on once.,so must have just been low on gas. And yes apparently from July you need some sort of licence/certificate to buy and use the gas. £4000 fine he said if you dont have it. His words not mine.

Yeah have just looked it up bloody ridiculous, one firm offering a five day course at £825.00 or two day at £449.00. All for something that can be learned in not a lot more than half an hour. Government legislation making jobs for the boys. All the gas now is none CFC, R12 was CFC but no vehicles have used that for years. And in any that did it will have leaked out years ago. You will need a licence to scratch your arse next.
Yeah have just looked it up bloody ridiculous, one firm offering a five day course at £825.00 or two day at £449.00. All for something that can be learned in not a lot more than half an hour. Government legislation making jobs for the boys. All the gas now is none CFC, R12 was CFC but no vehicles have used that for years. And in any that did it will have leaked out years ago. You will need a licence to scratch your arse next.

so you can learn how to correctly and safely re-gas a vehicle in less than half an hour? absolute bollocks!

you wouldn't even cover the correct de-gassing procedure in that let alone the drawing a vacuum on the system and pag oil replacement,

what about dryer/filter replacement? nitrogen charging? correct specification oils ......

did you know if you accidentally mix two of the leak testers if could blow the front of the car off?
Did they vac it first? if so how long for?
Pass? They plugged in two pipes, did a leak test etc, guess the machine sucked out old stuff, it only had 0.300kg then it put in 1.250kg in think (got a printout in car) Whatever they did its F,ing cold now!!
so you can learn how to correctly and safely re-gas a vehicle in less than half an hour? absolute bollocks!

you wouldn't even cover the correct de-gassing procedure in that let alone the drawing a vacuum on the system and pag oil replacement,

what about dryer/filter replacement? nitrogen charging? correct specification oils ......

did you know if you accidentally mix two of the leak testers if could blow the front of the car off?

Why is there something difficult about it? Pretty elimentary simple stuff, why has something people have been learning on the job and doing for years suddenly become a life or death important and highly skilled job.
Pull the other it plays i beleive.
Got mine done for £25 at Kwikfit during the winter months. Also helps clear the car inner windows during the colder months.
Yep licence now required.
Hey Gordon what ya doing about all the redundancies at the steel Plant. Easy answer that. I'm training them to teach folks whos be doing air con for ages and a small army to go out and fine those who dont pay for the licence and a collection agency to process it. Thats been the story for 10 years. Red Tape.
Re quick fit. Good deal. Mine went in and they found a leak. Small pipe under and in front of the air filter. £80 to fix pipe and regas. No charge for 500g of lost gas and diagnosis of fault. Went to the main stealers and got a new pipe for £17. Went in like a treat and didnt even need to take off the air box. yep a first. An easy job on a Rangie.
When I'm happy about the coolant and now the brakes (see new thread) I will get it gased about September I think. Gurrrrrr. Men who own p38s dont have any spare time any spare money , and have nightmares before we take it on a long run. It was a wise man who said Learn by your mistakes !
Yep licence now required.
Hey Gordon what ya doing about all the redundancies at the steel Plant. Easy answer that. I'm training them to teach folks whos be doing air con for ages and a small army to go out and fine those who dont pay for the licence and a collection agency to process it. Thats been the story for 10 years. Red Tape.
Re quick fit. Good deal. Mine went in and they found a leak. Small pipe under and in front of the air filter. £80 to fix pipe and regas. No charge for 500g of lost gas and diagnosis of fault. Went to the main stealers and got a new pipe for £17. Went in like a treat and didnt even need to take off the air box. yep a first. An easy job on a Rangie.
When I'm happy about the coolant and now the brakes (see new thread) I will get it gased about September I think. Gurrrrrr. Men who own p38s dont have any spare time any spare money , and have nightmares before we take it on a long run. It was a wise man who said Learn by your mistakes !

Red tape everywhere these days. I remember when fork truck driver licencing started. I was tasked to organise the training course on one of BAEs sites. Fourty odd blokes who had been driving fork trucks for years, some for donkeys years, had to be put through a course for grant of a licence. At 9 oclock on the morning of the day of the first course which was starting at 1 oclock, an instructor from training school came and asked if i had a spare office he could have to run the course from. I set him up with an office and asked why he had come so early as the course was due to start at one. He said he had to read up on it as he had never done this course before. Priceless, a man who had read a book for four hours, put fourty odd blokes who had forgotten more about fork lifts than he would ever know, through a course and signed them off as compitant. You could not make it up. Absolutly true story and an indication of the stupidity surrounding us these days. A toilet cleaners licence will be next, some of the chemicals needed for removing **** are very toxic you know.

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