
New Member
Hi Guys,

Hope somebody could shed some light on a Knocking noise thats started coming from my Range Rover 4.4v8 2004.
The Knocking noise only happens when I turn the steering wheel Left on partial and full lock. Its a machanical problem because I have looked underneath the car for odvious issue like steering arms/bushes/ wheel bearings etc but cannot see anything that could cause it.
Has anybody else experienced this issue with the l322?

Thanks in advance for any help

Has your car been in to the dealer to have the driveshaft alignments and modifications done as part of the L322 recall. Mine was done today. Feels much smoother, all vibration gone.
Had the car about 5 Months after buying from a dealership, I was aware of the l322 recall issue and was told this had been done! Is there a quick check I could do to verify if it has been?

If you ring a local RR dealer and give him the Reg and VIN they should be able to check the car's history. There have been several recalls as far as I know, my 2003 HSE had to have a new diff at 25k due to misalignment but there was still an outstanding recall for alignment which I only found out about when making a parts enquiry.
I believe if the alignment isn't done and the couplings changed there can be a complete loss of drive due to fretting of the driveshaft splines.

There is a well documented fault with the steering when the car is in drive and the steering turned whilst stationary with your foot on the brake. You can feel some drivetrain judder and it is quite noisy, certain wheelsizes and tyre combinations appear to make it worse, though when I changed the wheels up to 20 inch, the noise disappeared.
Hope you find the cause of the problem.

Cheers Spitfire
check the 13mm nuts on the antiroll bar clamps, they are common for coming loose. On the V8 you'll need to move the heat shields out of the way to get to the front nuts.

Had a diesel 322 come in the other day for the same problem, tightened the nuts and hey presto. Fixed!
Thanks guys will check the bolts and call RR, Hopefully something positive will come from it ?


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