
New Member
Hi Guys

I'm new to the forum and was just lookng for a bit of help.

I recently bought my first Disco 200 91 off of a friend. Im really pleased with it and enjoy it more and more every time i go out in it.

Sadly though it has one major problem that after a couple of weeks is starting to drive me mental.

Every time i change gear up or let off the throttle and then put it back on there is a really load knocking noise coming from what sounds like the rear. If i am extremely gentle with the gear change it doesn't do it or is more muffled. I have a couple of friends with 200s and they have never had anything like this.

The bloke i bought it off said it had always done it for the last 5 years he's had it and i do trust what he says 100%, but i'm not happy about it, i just think that something must be doing some damage and frankly its annoying.

Please could you give me some suggestions about what i should look for, the UJs seem fine and it does regardless of going straight or around a corner but seems to be less harsh going down hill but i'm not sure about that.


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