Me thinks he might be afeared of me! Had me phone with me all day and stayed within a signal, he didn't leave a voice mail! What am I gonna do with all this baby oil now?
i dunt do fookin voicemails, yer were probly fookin chopsin on it, bein a lass an all that , i'll try and get over this weekend if yer about ;)
That would be great, I'm definately at home Sat afternoon, after 3pm. Will pm you with directions. Then you dont have to leave a voice mail, you can just turn up and suprise me! Will get me wonder woman outfit on in anticipation!
well i hope yer have a nice selection of saucy undergarments fer me ter wear ;)

she finks im jokin:D :D :D :D :D :D
i can cope wiv tight flump, they look nice an tarty when theyre ripped. i cant abide em when theyre too fookin baggy or if yer whites are fookin grey
reet, just got back from her gaff, landy seems fine considering its bin stood fer about 3 years, nowt that a couple of hoses and a good service wunt put reet,as fer the other stuff.................well, i wouldnt know where ter begin, fookin filthy bitch:D :D :D :D :D :D :D
Well, a big thankyou to Yella, who came round this morning and jump started me. A grand way to begin a Sunday. I must say, he took to being my bitch rather well! And don't worry Yella, I'm sure those nail marks won't scar!

You lot think I'm joking!!!!!!!!??????
After using the words "suck" "squeeze" "bang" and "blow" all in the same sentance I'd be surprised if yella's not already on his way round ;)

ya gotta make sure ya get the right fireing order , get the suck, squeeze , bang mixed up and you,ll end up with a flat battery and be blowin fluids all over the garage floor , sounds like you need a chap with a tool box, need,nt bother with um on ear their either old or gay ,,:D or both.:D :D
pm me your number hun.....:cool:

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