depends how nimble on your feet you are, no more dangerous than jumping from a foot high - it's not like a prop that will come around and bite you

eat more pies
If the engine kicks back you stand the risk of a broken ankle,for the same reason you always keep your thumb on the same side of the handle as your fingers are.
If the engine kicks back you stand the risk of a broken ankle,for the same reason you always keep your thumb on the same side of the handle as your fingers are.

it's probably safer to jump on the handle, as you'll naturally fall off it - whereas by hand, if you aren't aware of the potential for hurt the inclination is to keep hold
it's probably safer to jump on the handle, as you'll naturally fall off it - whereas by hand, if you aren't aware of the potential for hurt the inclination is to keep hold
But the way the bloke in the vid did it was by putting his full weight on his left leg.If that had kicked back he would of been off balance to start with and have no chance of removing his leg in time.
But the way the bloke in the vid did it was by putting his full weight on his left leg.If that had kicked back he would of been off balance to start with and have no chance of removing his leg in time.

ermmmm ......... I am no gymnast
Due to some seriously corroded wiring, I often had to use the handle to start my old series III. Never did it like that though, seems like a recipe for bruised shins and lots of swearing.

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