Why not just stick with normal keys? Do people find sticking a key into the car that much of a hassle?

I like how it tries at the end to make keyless still seem better than keys by adding that they could still just break into the house to steal physical keys.

I'll stick with a normal key thanks.
Funnily enough my 2007 is in being serviced so I have a keyless car on loan which of course is not keyless as it still has a remote thingy about the same size. So stop tonight get out of car and ten minutes later realise left the bloody thing in the car now in my RR can't do that have to turn the engine and ignition off with the key - another upgrade downgrade keys all the way for me :clap2::clap2:
It's funny that in two generations of car, Land Rover have gone from the P38 which was so secure even the owners have trouble getting into and starting them half to the time, to the new one that anyone can swan off with!
It's funny that in two generations of car, Land Rover have gone from the P38 which was so secure even the owners have trouble getting into and starting them half to the time, to the new one that anyone can swan off with!
The P38 FOB can still be cloned with the right equipment, it's just that no one would bother as the cars are worth feck all.
The P38 FOB can still be cloned with the right equipment, it's just that no one would bother as the cars are worth feck all.

And there's always the case that with a stolen P38 one can track it down by the fluid leaks


and that who ever stole it will probably end up here asking about EAS and how to reset the windows and sunroof.

:D :D
if they want it they will get it
they can always break into the house and take the keys and other things aswell
if they want it they will get it
they can always break into the house and take the keys and other things aswell
Yeah but breaking into the house is a lot more effort and draws more attention. It also, rather importantly, takes more time. And that's also assuming people leave their keys somewhere close to the door (lots do but really shouldn't). My keys tend to be in a completely different room at the other end of the house.
Yeah but breaking into the house is a lot more effort and draws more attention. It also, rather importantly, takes more time. And that's also assuming people leave their keys somewhere close to the door (lots do but really shouldn't). My keys tend to be in a completely different room at the other end of the house.

Best thing to do is to get in the habit of taking your keys upstairs with you when you go to bed.
We have a small basket where we put the keys during the day and on a night, I make a point of taking the basket upstairs.

Then there's the added security of Rufus😆
Why not just stick with normal keys? Do people find sticking a key into the car that much of a hassle?

Probably the same plonkers that need wipers & lights that turn themselves on. Afflicted with both on our daily driver & wipers drive me nuts, rain sensing gadget instead of intermittent wipe! As for the auto-lighting, we might be old but neither of us has a problem understanding a light switch.
Oh god, that sort of thing bugs me too. Just more things to go wrong without adding anything of use. And makes parts more expensive to replace (like the windscreen with rain sensors).

Does it have manual switches for the lights and intermittent or is it auto-only?
Oh god, that sort of thing bugs me too.
Does it have manual switches for the lights and intermittent or is it auto-only?

Yes, the light switch does have the conventional selection positions so we just ignore the 'auto' mode. Had to replace the (both sensing & heated) screen a couple of years ago but the insurance covered it.

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