Well-Known Member
The wife of a work colleague has had her Evoke keyed, will find out more tomorrow.

Some sad cases around as it is pretty new.
Gits - some people can't stand others having nice things. Hope they get hold of some CCTV and find out who
A mate of mine got his car keyed the other week, was captured on cctv, bloke late 60's early 70's walking his dog was the culprit if it wasn't for the video footage I would have never believed it and blamed it on a young chav being jealous. old bloke isn't known around the area or been seen since
She was viewing a house with friends who are looking at buying it.

Very odd, an idiot comes out of a house, messes around with the car then walks back to his house!

Had to cross a road to do it.

Police are being hassled but still no interest.

They do know which house it is.
She was viewing a house with friends who are looking at buying it.

Very odd, an idiot comes out of a house, messes around with the car then walks back to his house!

Had to cross a road to do it.

Police are being hassled but still no interest.

They do know which house it is.

try doing it to a cop car and see how far you get.....
She was viewing a house with friends who are looking at buying it.

Very odd, an idiot comes out of a house, messes around with the car then walks back to his house!

Had to cross a road to do it.

Police are being hassled but still no interest.

They do know which house it is.

That really sad ...I'd be gutted :(
I had the call while working on the bathroom tiles, he was rather annoyed to say the least, she has had the car less than a year and someone does that to it.

BTW they have offroaded it!
Really sorry to hear this. knew a guy who had his Audi Q something covered in thinners out of a water balloon he had paint work cover but it cost a boom!
Mindless! My neighbour used to be on call to go and fix clients Mercs so whenever on call he had use of the company Merc.
Almost every time it was parked near us over the weekend some twunt broke the headlight wipers off it!
Nothing else just both wipers? needless to say they dont ask him to be on call any more.
No other probs in the street ever! weird eh!
The fact the Police are not interested is typical, they call it "petty crime" well its not f**** petty to the person who saves up and buys their nice vehicles, really p*** me off
Gits - some people can't stand others having nice things. Hope they get hold of some CCTV and find out who

Won't matter if they do, my sister had her door mirror kicked off,CCTV, caught,tried, guilty, fined, ordered to pay compensation

She never got a penny, last time she checked they said he'd moved and they didn't know where he was

Utter waste of space, still I'm sure a lawyer somewhere got paid
3 panels keyed £1200 to repair

A social housing house among ex social housing.

Police informed, but keep on about ID parades and the like rather than seeing who lives in the house.

Anyway we do know what is best served cold.
if you know where the scum bag lives, why not just knock on the door... and take appropriate action when the door is answered.
if you know where the scum bag lives, why not just knock on the door... and take appropriate action when the door is answered.

That is also on the list, also a sting is possible, just need breaker bar handy, or a spade, plenty of woods around

Let the situation cool, then a few phonecalls to HMRC et al mentioning claiming, working, employing immigrants on the sneak etc.

They will then crawl all over the bastards affairs and take a while over it, if they find something hip hip hooray, if not potential months of pain and hassle for said tosser.

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