
New Member
Hi when i got my RR it came with only the one key i need to get another key as it's pretty bad condition,problem is it has no number on it so i don't know whether it is 1,2,3 or 4 is there any way of finding this out, i have been told that if you order key 3 now it will overide one and two anyway does anyone know if this is true.any help appreciated.
Key 3/4 do not overide 1/2 or but do not operate memory seats according to my info.
Your key is most likely a 1 or 2, I think it's possible to tell which with Faultmate and possibly Nanocom. You can replace the buttons and battery cover for £6 or so.
Thanks for your response datatek i did refurb the fob with button pad and back panel/batteries etc, but the rubber seal on back panel was missing and had all tape around it i'm convinced now after trying all other things that the fob itself is not working.:( i think.:confused:
What do you mean not working?

Try the refurb kits and you'll be surprised at the difference this can make for little cost you dont have much to lose. The keypad becomes so worn it doesnt make contact when pressed.

Look under the battery cover and battery cover seat and you'll see the contacts that need to meet in order for it to work. I don't know why it has to be turned to such a specific position for the circuit to complete. My arrow points roughly at 10 o clock (with the key ring being 12) but every now and again the cover will slip round so the circuit doesn't complete and I wonder why it doesnt lock or unlock for no reason and why i get an engine disabled sometimes. This seems to work every time.

Make sure you have quality batteries to, it doesnt respond well to cheapy market stall specials. Even if the fob battery low message doesnt come up its worth changing batteries if you havent done so for a while.
Have tried all these things even talked to rovacom who described all the contacts to me, as i was concerned that the ring under the batteries that has three prongs on was or is only connected to the base in one place, although it appears to have another connection point, however he informed me that this is only a location tab and that the ring is only connected at one point. he sugested a couple of things to try but still it appears not to work, Today i even replaced the new upgraded r/f with my old one but it still will not operate the central locking. and yes have replaced batteries.when i press the buttons the light on the fob flashes ok but thats all. so at bit of loss as what else to try.
hi , in answer to your question i too had a **** fob didnt know what no it was so only 4 weeks approx ago i went to main dealer with log book and oother i.d. paid £128.00 and 4 days later they rang me and went and picked it up the chap said when i ordered it he would order no 4 key as it was unlikley that previous owner ever had that one so i would have no probs ,he said that all the new keys now didnt need to be synced and that it was uprated . anyway when i picked it up at the sales counter i went outside put key in ignition and away we went.. fob works perfect and all auto settings i,e, seat memory etc are still the same have had no probs since " fingers crossed " so there it is .cheers mozz
Have tried all these things even talked to rovacom who described all the contacts to me, as i was concerned that the ring under the batteries that has three prongs on was or is only connected to the base in one place, although it appears to have another connection point, however he informed me that this is only a location tab and that the ring is only connected at one point. he sugested a couple of things to try but still it appears not to work, Today i even replaced the new upgraded r/f with my old one but it still will not operate the central locking. and yes have replaced batteries.when i press the buttons the light on the fob flashes ok but thats all. so at bit of loss as what else to try.

Where in Bucks are you?

It's a it hit and miss but here's what else I do when I have the same prob,

Try holding the fob close to the RF receiver
Press unlock first if it doesnt want to lock, unlocking when unlocked wakes mine up and I lock no probs

Try doing the door sync. If open hold the lock button down while twisting the key in the door to lock and then unlock button while twisting to unlock. Do this a few times. Also when doing this the other locks should open and close. If they dont unlock with the driver door, just hold the key still in the lock for a few seconds or in the ignition and they usually unlock.

After all these little tricks my keyfob usually goes back to work as normal. Not a fix but a helping hand...
Hi thanks for your response to Mozz Smith youv'e just given me bit more confidence in what i think i need to do.
Thanks also to aerofabrique for you help too, i have tried all the things you have sugested and some but appreciate your input as you never know. in past when iv'e tried different things sometimes they have worked as you say.,but i actually think mine as just give up the ghost and is knackered,
maybe when i have second key and all being well it works ok, i'll send the existing one of to be refurbed. at least then i will have spare key.
thanks again for all the help. Going to bite the bullet and order new one tommorow so will report how it all ends up in due course.:scratching_chin:
Mine only came with one key, Kaiser, and it was pretty buggered up - plastic buttons insert was missing, but replacing that made no difference as the lock button itself had been destroyed! Ordered up a new one (it was key 3, and dealers can tell you based on your VIN what key nos have been 'issued' for your vehicle) - first guy at the parts desk told me £150, plus £70 for programming... When I went to collect about a week later, the other guy there told me only £150 and no programming required... Which turned out to be true!

I've since realised that at my local main $tealer there is a 'Mr Nice' and a 'Mr Nasty' working in the parts dept, and 'Mr Nice' has done me the odd favour or two since I became a regular customer... Even giving me the odd low-value item free when I buy several parts at once!
I had an issue witrh one of my two keys either not working or working for a day or so with new batteries and then the next day, it was dead.

On the faulty key, I noticed that the small rubber O ring on the battery holder was missing and found if I took the battery cover, batteries and o ring off my good key and tried it in my 'duff' one it worked ok. Tried it the other way round with the batteries and bits from my 'duff' one in the good key (with new batteries) and it still didn't work.

Turned out I had a fault with the battery cover. Bought a couple of new covers and a couple of new o rings and both work lovely. O ring 43p (STC1867) and Battery Cover £3.35 (STC4352).

Thought I may have to resync one of the keys as it hadn't been used in ages but after a quick scan on Landy Zone and a few hints, I opened the Rangie door with the blade, put key in ignition and started her up. Key automatically resynced. Open, close the whole mallarky.

Happy days - 2 keys, both working!
Have ordered new key fob today so fingers crossed problem will be solved
again many thanks to everyone for comments and advice will let you know how all turns out.:D
Just to update on this i now have new key fob and everything on central locking now working fine. Also it works from a reasonable distance so quite pleased. Thinking of sending old key fob away to be reconditioned to someone such as rovacom or suchlike as there must be a problem inside the fob itself, although not sure if they can be repaired :confused: maybe someone on here can offer comment. It's just nice to have finally resolved the problems i've had overall with the central locking and to have it all working ok for now!!:) just shows persistance can pay off. and lot's pennies lol.:mad:. any way thanks again for all the helpful comments on here that without i wouldn't have got it sorted.

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