
New Member
Hi all, my keyfob has stopped unlocking the car and its a real pain in the arse, I have done all the obvious i.e. battery and the re-synch procedure which im pretty sure only works in the pre touchscreen models, I know my car is on the change over year as its not a full facelift but does have the MOST wiring/fibre optic etc.
Any body got any ideas of what i may be able to try or is it a new key job?

Just for info the battery is in tip top condition (I tested it properly) and its never been disconnected, it just happened one day last week.
Unfortunately yes mate, I only got the one when I bought it, its one of my gripes and it really ****ed me off at the time but the car was right money so I didnt bother too much, Ive got a guy who can replicate me a key for £120-£140 so have been meaning to do it but as usual it got put on the back burner while ive been so busy at work, im not getting in until 8 o clock most nights and im working a lot of weekends so just been struggling to find the time mate. Does it sound like ill just have to get a new key or what? Im sick of people telling me to put key in then pull out and then hold lock and press unlock 3 times and blah blah blah....... Im pretty sure it for the older models, and it certainly does bugger all for my key.
yes, think that learning procedure is for the pre-facelift models.

you deffo need a second key ! you'll be in the sh!t if you loose your current, only one !

sounds like the circuit board in the key.

upload a pic of the key if you can, if its anything like the old ones, you can buy a second hand key and rob out the circuit board. thus saving the expensive immobiliser reprogramming.

regarding the key learning procedure, it might not be working if the key isn't working at all ?

ie, if the fob is fecked, nothings going to work, even trying to program it in etc...
yeah possibly, but not too sure how to determine that, It does light the led up etc and the key opens/locks doors and starts the engine. Im guessing theres an immoblisation chip in the key like most other vehicles so thats obviously working.
Dragging this thread back up, cars been in storage for 6 months since ive been in OZ just got home last weekend and thought I better sort this out but im still struggling, is there any other solutions anyone may have
OK its sorted went into local stealers, seen a lad whos kitchen I plastered about 6 months ago working there and explained to him what it was he said wait there, came out with this computer on a trolley and reprogrammed the BCM?? and the key and said hed try to sort me a spare out or if he couldnt he would code it for me if i got one. How much I said, he said nah its reet mate!!! So I just dropped him £20 for a pint. Piece of luck or what.

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