Something you need to know abut RR keys, don't even consider buying a replacement key from Landrover unles you defenitley know what key No. you already have, 1, 2 or 3, there is supposed to be a sticker on the fob. i.e. if you have a No. 1, then you must buy a No. 2 or 3, etc. If you buy the same as you already have, IT WILL NOT WORK!! Even LR can't help.
I have only 1 key, but no sticker, so I don't know which I have, so cannot buy a spare, & am petrified of losing/damaging it!!
I believe all 3 original keys were VERY slightly a different colour, but its very difficult to see, all 3 must be set side by side it bright light to see the difference, so what we need is someone with all 3 keys, & each having a sticker, then just maybe ours/yours can be checked to order the replacement, what a bummer!!