
New Member
just a quickie,battery in my keyfob is getting low,so is it just a case of changing battery and everything is ok or being a r/r will the keyfob have to be rematched to car? thanks in advance,all advice welcome
tis easy when you know how!!! if you do need to re sync the key its not hard!! we'll explain if it gets that far. just one thing. do you have the eka code to the car? i would obtain it just in case before you change batteries!!!
do you have the original paperwork for the car, owners pack?? there should be a security card on there, that will have the radio code and eka code on it. if not just give your local dealer a ring on tuesday, if the key will last that long, you may be required to supply proof of ownership but no charge for the code and they can give it you over the counter so to speak!

if they are bieng obtuse let me know and i'll sort you out with a method that rarely fails to win the code!

i didnt need mine when i took the fob to a local motor factors to change but i did have the eka code to hand so i wasnt worried.

its unlikely you will need it but i like the belt and braces approach!!!
One of my remotes has no batteries installed but I can still open and start the car. So it seems the biggest problem will be having no remote if it loses sync
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:D:Dmany thanks for replys,i decided to bull on and take the chance:p inserted new battery and all is working 100%.really do not know where i get this mistrust of r/rovers from:rolleyes::rolleyes: thanks again it is good to know i have you all watching over me :5bgrouphug:
while we are at it,lets have a round of applause for those wonderful men in solihull who gave us all our constant heartbreak:D:p:p

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