Carl Dawber

New Member
Hi all.
The key fob (both of them) for my Disco 2 has stopped working and I think it needs re-booting. Trouble is I can't find the code! I can use the key to open the door but the alarm goes off and I can't start it coz the imobiliser stops it from starting. What can I do!!
Go to a landrover dealer and ask them for the EKA code.
Or go online and pay for one of the online sites to provide the EKA code.
Do you know how to use the EKA code?

That is about all you can do for the moment.

Good luck.
Thank you neilly.
Easy when you know how, int it.
It's quite unlikely that both fobs lost syncronization, more common is the roof receiver failure
i think you are right. Got the code from Land Rover. That got me going but it still ain't right. There has been water ingress which has obviously buggered the receiver. Is there any way I can rip out the immobiliser?
No way to "rip out the immobiiser" you have to remobilise it with EKA then if you insist you can disable the immobiliser with tester but to be completely off you have to disable the alarm too... the receiver is plug and play so if you replace it maybe you can unlock with fob then it's remobilised

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