
Well-Known Member
is it possible to disable central locking in the becm?.the reason i ask is that the previous owner of my 2000my p38 reckoned that he had it disabled because the battery kept going flat. i have checked the transmitter in the back and it is still connected,and i have also "synchronised" the fob according to the user manual.
It is not the central locking that keeps the BeCM awake, it is the remote transmitter/reciever unit picking up weird spurious signals and waking up the BeCM to check them out....

Whilst I am sure you probably can disable it, why would you want to? as it is not the CL, that flattens this your concern??

Also the Vehicle only has one door lock, and the components it is made from are not particularly robust, so continued use of the lock mechanism could cause a breakageor malfunction of this one and only lock, and then the only way in is a 'Brixton Key' or a 'North London Key' depending on your locality...!!!
sorry, perhaps i should clarify,the central locking works fine on the key but not with the fob.the previous owner reckons he had the "fob"disabled somehow.either way the fob('s) will not work and i would like them too!
ooooohhhh.....I see....

Errr, then I am not sure....whilst I am sure it is possible...I couldn't give a definitive.

Sounds obvious, but I assume the fobs actually work i.e. the little red light shines when a button is pressed....

Three is a resync procedure to resync the key to the locks....goes something like:

Key in door lock turn to Lock Position, Press Lock button.....Turn Key to Unlock, press unlock button.....Open door and start Vehicle....

Or something like that, do a search on here, I am sure it is mentioned a number of times....

This obviously assumes that the fob hasn't been disabled in the BeCM (if that is possible) of course
OH i see you have synchronised the key. in that case it may be the fobcode in the Becm thats not correct or could be a new lock set and keyfobs fitted some time i the past without reprograming the codes in the Becm.
Could it be that the previous owner just disconnected the car's receiver or its aerial?

The reason I ask is that I had the dreaded "draining battery overnight" problem. And being a cheap skate thought £150 for a new receiver a bit steep. So I just disconnected the aerial. - The fob works close to the car but not much further, and the BECM still sleeps tight at night :) ( there is a test you can do to check that using the internal light switch and the display and the dash)

Hope this makes sense and of some help...
Are you sure you looked at the CL RF receiver and not the radio aerial amp? My guess would be that the CL RF receiver is disconnected.
okay gentlemen i have been a plank!!!what i thought was the rf reciever is actually a aerial for the alpine whatever. the real rf unit was in fact unplugged.i would kick myself up the jacksy but i can't reach.apologies to everyone who answered on the basis that i knew what i was doing dohhhhh!!!
okay gentlemen i have been a plank!!!what i thought was the rf reciever is actually a aerial for the alpine whatever. the real rf unit was in fact unplugged.i would kick myself up the jacksy but i can't reach.apologies to everyone who answered on the basis that i knew what i was doing dohhhhh!!!

Nah mate
"To ayre is human.... to really cock it up takes a computer!" ;)
can one assume that if the previous owner felt the need to disconnect it then it isn't the latest version?
can one assume that if the previous owner felt the need to disconnect it then it isn't the latest version?

This might help you decide:


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