
New Member
Hi everyone!
Have to build a 2nd set of key&remote control because last owner lost it before selling me the vehicle.
Mine is a Freelander TD4 2001. How is it possible to set a new key code into the inmobiliser? Same for remote control. And to obtain EKA code?
Do I need a special diagnostic tool? Wich do you recommend?
In a pair of garages, they told me they have to access to the inmo module and work inside it, but I don't like this idea...

Hiya, sorry I can't offer any advice other than to suggest taking the car and key/fob to a Land Rover dealer or possibly an auto-electrician who should be able to do the job for you.
P.s. Well done for introducing yourself before asking questions here-so many people don't bother doing that before expecting help, well done though! And welcome to the community.
I was in a similar position with my year 2000 FL1 1.8. I bought a T300 reader/programmer from eBay for £99; this programmed a spare used fob, £2 from eBay, and also gave me the EKA code. (Also gained full access to and cleared fault codesstored in ecu by selecting MG Rover mems 1.9 settings!).
hi , i know this was a few weeks ago , but i had to get a replacement key as mine was too worn to start the freelander . It was £94 from LR and they order it from the factory ; it comes coded for your car , i also bought a new LR blank off ebay , prised open the old key , took out the chip and fitted it into the ebay blank and had that copied from the new LR key; thus 2 working coded keys for about £100 .LR also offered a new remote for another £66 but mines ok .

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