
Got about 500 lts of this stuff at home and a chap told me last night that i could run it in my 2.25 diesel - suggested a mix of 40/60 kerosene to diesel.

Now, what i'm wondering is, is he pulling my leg, or can i use this stuff up, spend less time at the garage fuel pump and save myself a few bob into the bargain?

It would even work out cheaper than Veg oil from lidl at the moment.
Yes you can use it. I assume you mean Central heating oil?? However you are required to pay the full fuel duty on it. If ya get dipped by customs (they were dipping in the centre of Hull 3 weeks ago) they have your landy off you and probably hit ya wiv a big fine.
If caught with it in your fuel tank your vehicle will be confiscated and crushed as it is 100% ilegal to use it in a road going vehicle also carries a £2500 fine
Hmm! Thought so - ah well, looks like i'll have to find another use for the stuff.

Cheers for the quick replies.
Didn't think it was illegal if you paid duty on it! Yes you will need to mix it with diesel as it is less lubricating and on its own would shag your pump and injectors pretty quick.
the only fuel ya can put in a diesel is pump diesel what has had the duty paid or biodiesel (Vegoil) anything else is illegal.
unless yer only using it on yer own land. Know any farmers who might have it off yer?
Cheers for the idea Odenne.

Might just use it for when i battering round the woods and fields outback collecting firewood, and just fill with diesel when using it on the road.
Cheers for the idea Odenne.

Might just use it for when i battering round the woods and fields outback collecting firewood, and just fill with diesel when using it on the road.

Ya can't do that either. unless you completely drain your tank everytime you comeback onto a road. if there are any trace chemicals in your fuel you'll be in the ****.
I take yer point, RedHand - fair enough.

Have to go with a combo of diesel and vegoil.

The thought of a massive fine and possibly having 'The Heap' scrapped after all the work done and money spent doesn't bear thinking about.

I'll find someone who's looking for some heating oil and flog it to 'em cheap - as long as they collect.
or pay the duty, its still cheeper than going to BP and it mixes with veg oil very well, in fact i think its better than diesel mixed with veg oil cos its a bit thiner and therefore beter for cold starting. One coment above said anything but deisel and bio is illigal, not true, veg oil is legal as long as you use less than 2,500 ltrs a year.
wot about running a separate tank in the boot with this stuff or red diesel etc. so it can be switched from one to the other depending if ur on the road or not?

i know not really practical, but legal?
brilliant idea - i bet Her Majestys Customs have never thought of that :rolleyes: - tell ya wot - just give me ya motor - it will be cheaper than having it crushed:eek:.

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