Awesome thanks! Even the wife thinks this is a good idea: with 7 seats, can get the kids and our parents in the same car! :)
Awesome thanks! Even the wife thinks this is a good idea: with 7 seats, can get the kids and our parents in the same car! :)

does ur wife also drive

as i can easily take both of u out in the D3 so then at least u will see what there like , if you've got kids can easily put them in there as well , as long as there ok with my dogs licking them to death , lol

i also wanted the extra space, so my dogs can stretch out on the back seats , plenty of room in the boot for camping etc , being able to take my parents out

in aug 2017 , will have number two grandchild so will also be good for room etc

can easily put that back row of seats up to see what u think, also won't have a salesman breathing down ur neck, can talk u through the things u have to look out for

but with a test drive down the road will give u an idea of what there like
Keep saying I will get to one of these and so this year might be the year. Hope you wont mind a rangie on springs joining in though, promise ill follow at the rear a good 500 mtrs behind you all

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