
New Member
Hi all. My kenlow fan has stopped working. When I adjust the remote thermostat it passes power to the fan but the fan just makes a single click. Any ideas. Is it repairable. Is it bin bound.
Any suggestions gratefully received.
plug some power directly into it, if it doesn't work then, it's goosed, if it works, look towards the relay/thermostat etc.
How old is the fan? I would give Kenlowe a call and see what they have to say. When I was thinking of getting one I found them very helpful.
Be careful. It's likely that the thermostat can cope with the running load of the fan but it's probably not rated for the initial start up surge. Unless you can confirm it's fine with the startup load, I would use the thermostat to switch the large fan load via a relay. Otherwise, you might the thermostat melts just when you need it most!
Be careful. It's likely that the thermostat can cope with the running load of the fan but it's probably not rated for the initial start up surge. Unless you can confirm it's fine with the startup load, I would use the thermostat to switch the large fan load via a relay. Otherwise, you might the thermostat melts just when you need it most!

The thermostat was taking full load the way it was wired which makes me think the relay was to switch the fan off when wading

But thanks for the heads up.

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