
Do'er of stuff and the like
got my lads kazuma quad for sale.

80cc auto.

Runs well - wants a new choke though as thats fooked.


Flogging it to teach the little ****e a lesson for bullying kids at school :mad:
i keep meaning to get some. Its in the horse trailer at the minute. Have you seen the choofin weather?

Besides... you arent gonna drive up here for that!
Offer the quad to the kid he bullied at a reduced rate. £100 and make him work for you to earn £50 to put towards it. That'll teach him at £1.50 per hour and when he see's the other kid having fun that'll teach him for sure
Offer the quad to the kid he bullied at a reduced rate. £100 and make him work for you to earn £50 to put towards it. That'll teach him at £1.50 per hour and when he see's the other kid having fun that'll teach him for sure

best idea yet

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