
Does anybody have any ideas regarding my series 2a 88" new fuel tank, pipes filter carb pump.....when i hit a hill around half way up i start to kangaroo
i havent properly timed it yet
it has over half a tank of fuel in her, to stop it i have to change down and become light footed on the throttle.

also i havent adjusted the idle screw properly on the weber carb..
Take the top off the carb check float and needle and seat for wear !! Reset float height! Clean main jet and pilot jet ! Clean emulsion tube , rebuild with new gasket , make sure the float height is correct!!! Gap your points' properly, check advance retard unit in dizzy , make sure it's not stuck, and working!! And check timing while your there !! All should then be sweet!!!!! If unsure buy a Haynes manual !!!! Great they are!!! Good luck..
timed it properly with a strobe.....soooo far out it wasnt even funny, also dropped fuel filter hieght.....all working ok
Blocked pyramid type gauze filter at the bottom of the fuel pick-up pipe in tank .. When I put a new one on my old S3, within a few weeks the filter got clogged and the landy wouldn't pull up hills or tow, or do more than 30, but ran and revved fine at a standstill .. :)

All the crap inside the tanks gets washed off the sides .. my 'new' tank had been in the shop a couple of years I reckon ... ;)
ok took her out saturday, (p.s havent tried your solution yet paul...but will soon) started off ok but ended doing 15mph up long hill home when i depressed the pedal fully i had to take my foot right off or it would conk out. but when out shooting started to slip on a hill put it in low and first and revved the nuts off with no seems just low revs has the
got back checked jets (all clear), checked idle run screw (seems ok) points gap to large rectified, checked timing with strobe 4'btdc on 1, 4'btdc on 4, checked filters all ok, noticed vaccum tube not properly on fixed, took plugs out very sooty (cleaned) took her out tonight and exactly the
ok just a little update, checked fuel filter---gone long ago lol. stripped carb and found a partially blocked jet, small one under float. cleaned checked the rest of the fuel system all seems ok.
took her out and she is 80% better but still kangerooing a little!!!
just a quick question..when i reconed the engine i fitted a new fuel pump and there was a piece of plastic about 8mm between the fuel pump and engine. never put this back as the original pump never had a fuel glass bowl and didnt seem to work with it on. Do i need this fitted??
and can anybody explain to me the correct way of timing and what degree unleaded fuel with fuel addative
should i time the engine at 2500 rpm or tickover
i have timed at tickover with vacum removed at 4' btdc
p.s i have put to much fuel addative in also?? would this be a contibuting factor??
ok i may have may may may sorted it the float level is was about 10mm so not much fuel set it to 6.5mm with gasket and tested seems ok.
fingers crossed will keep you all inform
sometimes but not every time you can get away by removing the air filter hose from the carb start the engine and give it a very hard long rev and whilst doing this put your hand over the carb and as the carb is trying to such on your hand take your hand away sometimes it gets rid of the problem if there is a partial blockage ;)
ok float level ok, new points and condensor, 6'btdc timing light loads of fuel, filters clean, pump pumping etc etc should be working but still when i use full throttle after a short while it starts to kangaroo again. going to have to break out the 12 gauge soon lol or the haynes manual
Have you tried taking each run of fuel pipe off and blowing it through the opposite way with an air compressor? There may be some **** stuck in there which only blocks flow when lots is needed ..

Any chance it's now electrical? If the fuel is there and of good pressure and volume, something else has to be stopping it work, so I'd start looking at plugs, leads, distributor, rotor arm etc etc ... and earths!

Best thing I ever did on me old series was to add earths, don't worry trying to check the originals, just renew them. I had one from battery to chassis one to the engine and a couple of others tie-ing in the body panels. Made a world of difference to both running and the electrical system .. ;)
thanks mate, have blown through pipes, changed rotor arm points condensor coil, put lots of new earths on when rebuilt landy...the funny thing is it gradually got worse over a couple of trips....thats what i dont undersrand
....should be something blocking somewhere but cleaned all. re checked float level last night as points where corroded and i may have been barking up the wrong tree. carb sitting next to me at moment so when its back on goint to check for manifold leaks etc and finnaly do tappets whilst hot lol
OK, re-read the symptoms and it's sounding like you're running rich, or that the choke is coming on at higher revs ... Are you sure the carb is the right on and that all linkages and cables to it are correct? Your plugs shouldn't be sooty. Sooty is running rich, or poor combustion .. I'd go back to first principles, reset the carb to initial 'as factory' settings on mixture screw, float height, recheck timing etc. Clean all jets again, it's a ball-ache I know, anyone who's had a series knows ... ;)

Do you know anyone with one of those ultrasonic cleaners? Excellent bits of kit to clean carbs and carb bits in!

When you replace the carb and pipes, use the smallest amount you can get away with of blue hermetite or similar to get a decent seal .. just a smear, in fact vaseline or similar might be better! Just try to eliminate all potential leaks.
i know what you mean, will start again at A. i think i have solved the problem but when titting about thinking i know the problem i have upset the whole lot adjusting this and that. personnally i think the mixture was to rich...i sorted that first of all as the next time i took my plugs out they where as they should b. the only think that looked shot was the points....very pitted and corroded.
i will let you know
thanks for everything
oh dear.....if anybody wants my address to pop down to bitch slap me they can
was a blocked in line filter....what a f84774king idiot lol sorry guys

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