I just came across this while going through my old posts and thought a wee update is in order.
The original complaint came from my missus but she is hopeless at describing faults so I was tearing my hair out trying to figure out what she was talking about. I've come to the conclusion it was three things.
The engine wasn't running well so needed sorting.
The clutch is dodgy and so will get replaced soon. Strangely it is fine most of the time but every now and then it is very jumpy, as if repeatedly catching and slipping.
I think though the biggest cause was running Mondo mode. Even though both top and bottom engine tie bushes are new, the engine must have been rocking without the prop shaft. As soon as I refitted it the car felt much tighter in every way.
I just came across this while going through my old posts and thought a wee update is in order.
The original complaint came from my missus but she is hopeless at describing faults so I was tearing my hair out trying to figure out what she was talking about. I've come to the conclusion it was three things.
The engine wasn't running well so needed sorting.
The clutch is dodgy and so will get replaced soon. Strangely it is fine most of the time but every now and then it is very jumpy, as if repeatedly catching and slipping.
I think though the biggest cause was running Mondo mode. Even though both top and bottom engine tie bushes are new, the engine must have been rocking without the prop shaft. As soon as I refitted it the car felt much tighter in every way.

The power unit is definitely more controlled when the propshaft is fitted. There's obviously a reason for this but I can't work out exactly what the reason is. It's more than just mounts. I suspect that the slight drag on the front prop's tripod joint has a damping effect on engine movement. That coupled with the slight load the VCU's drag will apply to the engine mounts helps firm them up. Whatever the cause, the Freelander is happier as a 4WD than a 2WD.

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