Here's why I strongly defend the OP (or any techie thread)

I posted this in the disco section......didn't go down too well, in fact Si had made some comments but the thread has been cleaned up since.

If mods would actually errrrrr........moderate, then we (forums) wouldn't have issues in techie threads.
Whilst I sympathise completely with their personal circumstances, I don't believe it should be shared on a public forum.

On forums withouts mods, the members police the threads themselves, spamming and dross are discouraged.

As for it being 'the way it is'.....nonsense! Even LZ at the best of times lacks forum etiquette. The OP is right Landrovernet forum has come a long way since I was last on least they dont put up with crap in the techie threads.
It's a fair point Northern, reasons shouldn't be brought up, but since they were some respect should be given as the Family have a hard enough time without the crap from small minded persons.

As for the Festival comment, what is that suppost to impress me? I think not your clearly in over your head, but as normal I'm sure you will have lots to say but do feel free to private message your Security Refs etc and whilst I will try not to laugh to much that your comeback was reference to being a Heavy Weight Festival Watchman......

They you get the odd person who just like to comment without bringing anything to the table, I stand by my comments, if you don't want to help, dont, but don't comment about it being an old subject and all the crap that comes with it..... Try it, it will only improve LZ.
It's a fair point Northern, reasons shouldn't be brought up, but since they were some respect should be given as the Family have a hard enough time without the crap from small minded persons.

As for the Festival comment, what is that suppost to impress me? I think not your clearly in over your head, but as normal I'm sure you will have lots to say but do feel free to private message your Security Refs etc and whilst I will try not to laugh to much that your comeback was reference to being a Heavy Weight Festival Watchman......

They you get the odd person who just like to comment without bringing anything to the table, I stand by my comments, if you don't want to help, dont, but don't comment about it being an old subject and all the crap that comes with it..... Try it, it will only improve LZ.

lets be clear here, I do not need your permission or my ego massaged by other peoples opinion of me.

If you visited in a friendly manner hospitality and a warm welcome would await you.
Threaten me and arrive on my doorstep-free trip to hospital for anyone thinking of it.

accy,ratty and sirus do a grand job, having spent time on several occassions with ratty and others- kind, helpful and will go out of their way to help.

If you wish a more restrictive forum-start your own- your here with admin and mods agreement, the forum is not a public place. It is owned.

On the balance of things- I do help and have a laugh with people who I consider my friends.

If I annoy your sensitive nature use the ignore feature instead of whining like an eight year old.
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What a load of B-locks

So who do you think owns the server and manages it-I've met some idiots in my time, but your lack of intelligence is coming a close first at the moment.

Roy Westwood owns the forum, If he or any of the Mods decide to change the rules or ban someone that is their choice.

As I stated before, if it doesn't work for you-your free to start your own forum, leave or take it up with Roy.

The guy got his information and did you bother to read his wife's thread-your find she thanked me for my help.

If your hoping to bait me, you really must try harder:D as your Troll behaviour has no effect on me

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I can see someones on his time of the month!!

Free trip to Hospital, well done, we all get a free trip to Hospital, it's called the National Health Service. Unless your stating your going to put me in Hospital? I very much doubt that part, again feel free to forward your refernces to me via private. Lets see out the two of us who is shouting the mouth.......

A laugh and a joke are fine, but not always wanted, I fail to understand why someone who doesn't have a Freelander spends so much time posting on this? I couldn't give a rats arse about Disco's or Defenders, if I have a question I will ask, but I'm not going to comment about something I know nothing about..... Yes yes you've stated I've done this and done that, but what little advice you do give is of no help. Learn something new each day, thats what we tell the kids so I'm telling you.

I cant help but feel sorry for you, I may be wrong but are you lonely? Did you go through a bad breakup? Did he or she take all your money and leave you with only LZ as your only means of talking to the world? Do you want a hug!? Tuff ****ty, order a new bride but make sure they've got no legs so they can only crawl away from you haha.

Anyone can be a ****er on here posting crap, but I'm sure LZ was built for a better reason than that.
why should established long term members have to leave, because a nooby gets all umpity about stuff? Thats just the way it is.

Nice to see what you think of other members, long established doesn't mean crap if all you post is abusive comments. If we all did that i'm sure we all could have over 6000 posts.
I can see someones on his time of the month!!

Free trip to Hospital, well done, we all get a free trip to Hospital, it's called the National Health Service. Unless your stating your going to put me in Hospital? I very much doubt that part, again feel free to forward your refernces to me via private. Lets see out the two of us who is shouting the mouth.......

A laugh and a joke are fine, but not always wanted, I fail to understand why someone who doesn't have a Freelander spends so much time posting on this? I couldn't give a rats arse about Disco's or Defenders, if I have a question I will ask, but I'm not going to comment about something I know nothing about..... Yes yes you've stated I've done this and done that, but what little advice you do give is of no help. Learn something new each day, thats what we tell the kids so I'm telling you.

I cant help but feel sorry for you, I may be wrong but are you lonely? Did you go through a bad breakup? Did he or she take all your money and leave you with only LZ as your only means of talking to the world? Do you want a hug!? Tuff ****ty, order a new bride but make sure they've got no legs so they can only crawl away from you haha.

Anyone can be a ****er on here posting crap, but I'm sure LZ was built for a better reason than that.

Snigger no I don't need a hug from idiot of the week contender- but like I said instead of spouting **** talk to Roy,ratty and sirus. If they decide there is merit in your suggestions then something may change.
Other than that your opinions are duly noted- personally I think your a twit, a personal opinion I am perfectly entitled to.
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Other than that your opinions are duly noted- personally I think your a twit, a personal opinion I am perfectly entitled to.

Thats fine, and I think you have no life and have a very small IQ, either way we're both winners here!

So much more to life, when you want to be of help you do actually provide peeps with some info, then you spoil it.

Your wind-ups work with some and given your well hidden behind the Internet I guess they will continue.... But feel free to Man up oneday, you've got my Private Message Option.........
Bullies? FFS get real. This is the bloody internet. We all have the option to switch off if we want. People who've been genuinely bullied will be seriously offended by the poor comparison, I know I am.

If someone comes on here and asks for help and gets crap chucked at them over and over again, if that person is upset by the comments then it's being bullied. My own view is there's no need for it, given he contacted me via private message option instead of taking more crap I think I'm entitled to comment more than you.

I see this forum as a help tool, I have a laugh with some, help from others, and advice to those who asking. If I want to pick on someone I'd do it to their face, not over the net.
Thats fine, and I think you have no life and have a very small IQ, either way we're both winners here!

So much more to life, when you want to be of help you do actually provide peeps with some info, then you spoil it.

Your wind-ups work with some and given your well hidden behind the Internet I guess they will continue.... But feel free to Man up oneday, you've got my Private Message Option.........

:hysterically_laughiI wouldn't give you the satisfaction of a PM conversation,everything I have said stands

  • You don't own the forum
  • Your not a moderator or admin-so your opinion is noted,but I won't loose sleep over it
  • Why would I need to PM you as everything I have to say is for public consumption.
  • If you really want to meet up then August I'm in the same place for 9 nights every year-come on down
  • I have quite nicely explained your grievances can be sorted by contacting the Mods and Roy, hit the report button if you wish.
  • In my opinion your trolling, I'm not the least wound up by such sillyness-I'll keep on responding to your poorly structured comments, well for a while anyway.

So you've tried suggesting I'm sad,lonely,stupid and bored-are we moving onto breeding and race next?
Breeding and Race, you suggest that it's I that needs to wind the neck in..... Wake up you fool, your nothing and always will be nothing. You spend hrs on here either talkin the talk and from what I've seen have nothing to back up anything...... and I mean anything.

August is such a lovely month, shame to spoil it standing in a field. Don't make reference to sending people to Hospital when you've got nothing to back it up with the PM is there so you can forward your Security badge info, you do know about having to be reg with your local council and recorded under police records also. So again bring it on if you can, otherwise leave well alone.

You can't even admit you go to far at times...... Hide behind the Net.
If you want the last word then have it.

You've been wrong so may times on here what's one more going to make!

Either put up or shut up.
Breeding and Race, you suggest that it's I that needs to wind the neck in..... Wake up you fool, your nothing and always will be nothing. You spend hrs on here either talkin the talk and from what I've seen have nothing to back up anything...... and I mean anything.
The fatal error in your statement is you assume that I care what you say or value your opinion. out of common curtsey I'm replying to your trolling.
August is such a lovely month, shame to spoil it standing in a field. Don't make reference to sending people to Hospital when you've got nothing to back it up with the PM is there so you can forward your Security badge info, you do know about having to be reg with your local council and recorded under police records also. So again bring it on if you can, otherwise leave well alone.
Your an idiot, why would I consent to giving a idiot my details?

You can't even admit you go to far at times...... Hide behind the Net.
I think your find the people who have actually met me found me okay and there are at least 2 people on here who have been at the events I do with me.

So for the terminally stupid, the forum is an owned place-your here by consent of the admin's and mods, If you have a suggestion or grievance then take it up with them.

If your hoping for a character assassination or to get me angry, your dumber than I gave you credit for.
Having an argument on the Internet is like being in the para Olympics, you may win but your still a retard.

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