Got the new fuel tank supports drilled and cable tied and the prop shaft back on last night and took it for the first drive since replacing the clutch and adjusting the master.
Very pleased to say it drove perfectly. :)
The clutch is nice and smooth and the pedal height is just right. Happy bunny!
Master from a Honda Civic of about 1995 vintage. Then an MGF slave and bracket with the pushrod from the Freelander slave. Link the two cylinders with some copper pipe, coiled near the box to allow for flex. The master needs a small remote reservoir from a motorcycle. That's about It really. I think when I made the system, it cost me something like £70 all in. It'll last longer than the car too!

Edit :
The bulkhead needs 2 holes drilled to fix the Honda master cylinder in place. Is helps to angle it slightly too.
Nice one Nodge, Isn't it very satisfying when you fix your car using stuff already lying around rather than just throwing money at it.

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