
Well-Known Member
Hi All,
I have been surfing the web recently as I had a small water leak from the pipework that I couldn't see from above,
its all now been sorted, but I kept coming into adverts and conversations about K Seal..

What are your thoughts on it??

Would you use it on any of the Freelander engines..

1.8 For head Gasket issues sounds like for the money a no brainer to bung it in
and let it look after things for you..

2.0 LR or BMW could save you money on potential future issues..

I have posted this in the Freelander section as I have one,
but I suppose the question is open to any vehicle you run..
if it plugs a water leak........ think about what it will do to the water ways in the radiator.
It is only for a emergency use, until you can get a proper repair IMHO
tried it on a core plug on a diesel did not stop it, bars leaks did, it supposed to be good for head gasckets, never had any of them block anything up,u hear people telling you things but most have never used them,i have used them all for 40 odd years, every kind,kseal is expensive compared to the others.
k-seal is safe to leave in and will not block any galleries up, unless there is a leak there then it will block the leak.

rad weld and similar are a temporary measure only to be used to get you home,or to a garage, then the whole system must be totally cleaned/purged of this stuff.

my opinion btw

take it or leave it :)
I've seen it used on an mgf engine that had a 20 mm hair line crack in the outer block behind the exhaust manifold that was weeping.
It cured it and the car has now done 10k miles no problem.
It can cure some probs and keep a car on the road then what's the issue with that ?

this lot believe that the k-series is the worst engine in the world Mike :(

more fool them, we know different :D
I'm a great fan of the k series you just have to be careful to keep an eye on the water levels, not thrash it when it's cold, and treat it with respect !!!.
For it's sze and weight i don't think you can beat it.
But most people these dasy just want to thrash the living daylights out of them.

The long term effects of K seal in the system are not good. Has anybody tried to get the stuff out of a heater matrix? Believe my it will block them up over time and it's a swine to clean out :( It's a get you home in an emergency treatment not a long term fix ;)
K seal is great stuff and it does NOT block internal waterways, radiator or heater matrix.
As an example, I had a badly leaking heater matrix on a pug 306HDi. I threw in a bottle of K-seal and it stopped the leak withing minutes, the heater still worked perfectly and it stayed like that for another 15k kilometers and as far as I know is still fine with the cars new owners.
I have used it a few times on various cars for various problems and it has worked every time with no ill effects even in the very long term.
K seal is great stuff and it does NOT block internal waterways, radiator or heater matrix.
As an example, I had a badly leaking heater matrix on a pug 306HDi. I threw in a bottle of K-seal and it stopped the leak withing minutes, the heater still worked perfectly and it stayed like that for another 15k kilometers and as far as I know is still fine with the cars new owners.
I have used it a few times on various cars for various problems and it has worked every time with no ill effects even in the very long term.

Been there, seen it, cleaned it out!! But if you are happy to use it, then use it ;)
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Been there, seen it, NOT had to clean anything out because it works properly. Seriously, I am not talking about one or two examples....I have used - and seen others use - it in loads of vehicles... cars and plant equipment from modern Peugeots up to a 20 ton excavator. Subsequent work on any parts of the cooling systems has NEVER shown any kind of internal blockage caused by K-seal. Sure there is sometimes sludge in the system, but its not caused by the product and would have been there anyway.

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