the hooded claw

Well-Known Member

What do you think ?

Why not put the seniors in jail and the criminals in a nursing home.

This way the seniors would have access to showers, hobbies and walks.

They'd receive unlimited free prescriptions, dental and medical treatment, wheel chairs etc and they'd receive money instead of paying it out.

They would have constant video monitoring, so they could be helped instantly, if they fell, or needed assistance.

Bedding would be washed twice a week, and all clothing would be ironed and returned to them.

A guard would check on them every 20 minutes and bring their meals and snacks to their cell.

They would have family visits in a suite built for that purpose.

They would have access to a library, weight room, spiritual counseling, pool and education.

Simple clothing, shoes, slippers, PJ's and legal aid would be free, on request.

Private, secure rooms for all, with an exercise outdoor yard, with gardens.

Each senior could have a PC a TV radio and daily phone calls.

There would be a board of directors to hear complaints, and the guards would have a code of conduct that would be strictly adhered to.

The "criminals" would get cold food, shiver and be left all alone and unsupervised.
Lights off at 8pm, and showers once a week.
Live in a tiny room and pay £900 per week and have no hope of ever getting out.

Now THATS Justice!!!!!
It didn't take long for the CCCP (thats the Cameron Cleg Coalition Party, not the Soviet Union:rolleyes:) to lose all sense of reality.

First they say that all pensioners will get £140 a week regardless of contributions. My Eastern European mate thinks it's a great idea, he's already planning to bring his parents to the UK if it happens. Should do wonders for immigration:rolleyes::rolleyes:

Next they say that prisoners are to get the vote. If you are blameless and live in another European country you lose the vote. Prisoners get better treatment than us expats.

The list of stupidities goes on and on
It didn't take long for the CCCP (thats the Cameron Cleg Coalition Party, not the Soviet Union:rolleyes:) to lose all sense of reality.

First they say that all pensioners will get £140 a week regardless of contributions. My Eastern European mate thinks it's a great idea, he's already planning to bring his parents to the UK if it happens. Should do wonders for immigration:rolleyes::rolleyes:

Next they say that prisoners are to get the vote. If you are blameless and live in another European country you lose the vote. Prisoners get better treatment than us expats.

The list of stupidities goes on and on

Certain people are wheeled into Manchester airport on Friday to join there relatives over here. Claim disability living allowance or attendence allowance at the benifits office on the airport. And get paid the week after. No need to have worked a day here in their lives nor paid any dues whatsoever. A member of their family then claims carers allowance. And you wonder how the younger members of their family who don't work either drive around in Mercs, BMWs, Farraris and Lamborginies. Can't mention any particular ethnic group as that would be racist. But everyone who knows to whom i refer put their hands up.
Nah waste of resources why not send the crims to Afganistan and they can walk down the road 50 yds in front of the troops wearing heavy steel boots looking for the odd mine would help cut down the numbers for sure might stop the pikey bstrds ending up in nick in the first place - of course I have no real opinion on this
Nah waste of resources why not send the crims to Afganistan and they can walk down the road 50 yds in front of the troops wearing heavy steel boots looking for the odd mine would help cut down the numbers for sure might stop the pikey bstrds ending up in nick in the first place - of course I have no real opinion on this

Nah, bring back national service and watch the ports and airports fill overnight.
I often wonder what benefits/help i'd get it if i turned up in the uk again...??

Does it rhyme with Buck Hall?
I often wonder what benefits/help i'd get it if i turned up in the uk again...??

Does it rhyme with Buck Hall?

It sure does IF your a Brit. But if your an Irish tinker couple with twelve kids and decide caravan life is no longer for you. You get put up in one of the best hotels in Preston until the council knock two houses together to give you a home. That is not a rumour, it actually happened here a few years back. Big stink in the local press at the time.
I often wonder what benefits/help i'd get it if i turned up in the uk again...??

Does it rhyme with Buck Hall?

Heres a thought Storm .... Build yerself a Longboat get 20 or so of yer mates to don Hats wiv horns on em row over & land on Lindisfrane island & Claim it fer yerself (as an INDEPENDANT STATE) of course

Name yer Indendendant state as LANDYZONE Island..............

Cameron would then GIVE IT TO YOU (To "ease" diplomatic relations) with Scandanavia......

Then we can all register our Landy's there for 1p Road tax & 25p per litre Diesel fuel ...... Petrol of course would have to be dearer at 25 1/2p per litre .........

"Longship" plans can be found here >>>>>>>>Longship - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

WHAT!!! yer STILL readin this .... Go fell a tree & get yer hammer & Chisels out .... C'mon ..Jump to it ..Pronto like !!!!!
Heres a thought Storm .... Build yerself a Longboat get 20 or so of yer mates to don Hats wiv horns on em row over & land on Lindisfrane island & Claim it fer yerself (as an INDEPENDANT STATE) of course

Name yer Indendendant state as LANDYZONE Island..............

Cameron would then GIVE IT TO YOU (To "ease" diplomatic relations) with Scandanavia......

Then we can all register our Landy's there for 1p Road tax & 25p per litre Diesel fuel ...... Petrol of course would have to be dearer at 25 1/2p per litre .........

"Longship" plans can be found here >>>>>>>>Longship - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

WHAT!!! yer STILL readin this .... Go fell a tree & get yer hammer & Chisels out .... C'mon ..Jump to it ..Pronto like !!!!!

What a bloody cracking idea well done that man. Island with free love every Sunday. One day a week would do, would have to rest up other six days.:D:D:D
never work too much discrimination that 1/2 p a litre will bollox it

There has to be a compromise we can arrive at. Everybody with a petrol can have free sex til 02.30 am Monday morning. LPG has to remain at £4.00 a litre though. The Island government has to make a bit to cover overseas aid.
There has to be a compromise we can arrive at. Everybody with a petrol can have free sex til 02.30 am Monday morning. LPG has to remain at £4.00 a litre though. The Island government has to make a bit to cover overseas aid.

DEAL!!!!..I nominate the following

President/King ................STORM 99

Chancellor ......................WAMMERS

Chief of Police ................J The Range

Witchfinder General..........The Hooded Claw

Head of Secret (KGB type) Police.......G Man

Home Secretary....................Sandyt

Overseas Negotiations Chief ....Fanantic

PLease Do feel free to nominate members for government positions .....
Could I suggest the following as "Our" foreign ploicy ..................

HowTo:**** Off - Uncyclopedia, the content-free encyclopedia

With many thanks to our friend & mentor FANATIC for this WONDERFUL link

Please scroll down to the "Examples" section to fully understand our "Overseas Policy"

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