
Lord Hippo
...popped in ta av a look un see what you's tratter boys are up to. Seems yer buscuit tin's break down just as often as some Freelanders do. :p
It's a lot brighter over on the Freelander forum. Must be that tratter boys like to lurk in the shadows. Might bring me torch next time. Keep tripping over pink scatter cousins.
It's a lot brighter over on the Freelander forum. Must be that tratter boys like to lurk in the shadows. Might bring me torch next time. Keep tripping over pink scatter cousins.

Pink. Scatter. Cousins.

Pink- fairly common favourite colour fer gaylanderers.
Scatter- someone who enjoys the sexual thrill of scat........erm... ya better go-ogle that fer ya-selves:eek:
Cousins- relatives that gaylanderers enjoy scattering with:puke:

You just can't help yerself, eh, Hippo?
Pink. Scatter. Cousins.

Pink- fairly common favourite colour fer gaylanderers.[/COLOR]
Scatter- someone who enjoys the sexual thrill of scat........erm... ya better go-ogle that fer ya-selves [/COLOR]
Cousins- relatives that gaylanderers enjoy scattering with [/COLOR]

You just can't help yerself, eh, Hippo?[/COLOR]
Din't know you was in ere.

Well you learn somefing new every day. I was referring to: http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/New-X2-Stylis...en_LivingRoomFurniture_EH&hash=item3eff49627c
but if it's also tratter boy code fer somefing else, then may I take this opportunity to apologise fer using a phrase which is inappropriate. You tratter boys dun't arf av some strange fetishes. Un yer av the cheek to call us Freelander owner's freaks. Yer should be ashamed fer being a durdy bastid anorl.
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Apperently scatter cushions is tratter boy code fer somefing else. Don't ask. Gratch will get excited.
always nice to have visitors in one of the proper landy sections hippo ;) just dont forget to wipe your feet on the way out :p

(wouldnt want to get dirt in that nice clean gaylander and upset your pink scatter cousins :D )
Fits a 100 watt light bulb instead of the mood lighting bulb. Ah, bobblers in ere too. Din't see you in the dark.

Pink scatter cushions are on the floor in ere. I can only assume you lot are using them for pillow fights? And yer right. I will wipe me feet on the way out. Din't notice it before, but now the aromatherapy candles have finished, there’s a bit of a wiff in ere. Either one of you lot has had an accident, or young porky’s been getting his own back. Look on the bright side. Where there’s muck there’s brass.
smell could be one of the owners but more likely an unwashed fender lurking still covered in cow ****e from a days playing.

my footwells are still brown from the last time i went out ;)

sorry about the darkness but when you own a tratter you get used to driving by candle light a 100 watt bulb could possibly blind someone in ere
I have no idea what this thread is about :eek: with a name like hippo might i suggest you ditch the gaylander and get a real landrover like a tratter???

You'll enjoy breaking down just as much :puke2:
Looks like the darkness has been fixed. Someones put some gaffer tape over the bulb.

oops looks like an angry tratter boy has woken up. I'm not a real hippo. And won't be buying a tratter. Most of the threads on lz could be considered pointless. But to some, they're gold dust. There's a bucket in the corner if yer want to puke.
There you go cow**** man, tomcat likes the fred too. Theres nothing wrong wiff you tratter boys having yer own meeting place. Even if it's a dimly lit room, wiff pink scatter cushions.

For those who haven't been in ere before, the rooms a bit like a pub lounge from 30 years ago. Sticky carpets on the floor. More likely from real ale pint spillages, rather than any other source. Mucky photos of tratters on the wall. A dart board wiff photos of slittys on it. Pile of tools in the corner, including welding gear, engine hoist, compressor, well used snap off tool chest, and a wide selection of old tratter parts in various stages of disassembly. Not to mention a leaking drum of EP90. A pool table that’s seen betterer days. And a beer garden outside which resembles a ploughed field, used fer parking yer tratters. There’s also a fair amount of graffiti aimed at bob. All of which the average lz member would confirm is true. All in all, not a bad place. Home from home some might say. Although I was surprised to see a fresh flower arrangement on the bar. Perhaps one of you’s tratter boys is in touch wiff your inner self?
There you go cow**** man, tomcat likes the fred too. Theres nothing wrong wiff you tratter boys having yer own meeting place. Even if it's a dimly lit room, wiff pink scatter cushions.

For those who haven't been in ere before, the rooms a bit like a pub lounge from 30 years ago. Sticky carpets on the floor. More likely from real ale pint spillages, rather than any other source. Mucky photos of tratters on the wall. A dart board wiff photos of slittys on it. Pile of tools in the corner, including welding gear, engine hoist, compressor, well used snap off tool chest, and a wide selection of old tratter parts in various stages of disassembly. Not to mention a leaking drum of EP90. A pool table that’s seen betterer days. And a beer garden outside which resembles a ploughed field, used fer parking yer tratters. There’s also a fair amount of graffiti aimed at bob. All of which the average lz member would confirm is true. All in all, not a bad place. Home from home some might say. Although I was surprised to see a fresh flower arrangement on the bar. Perhaps one of you’s tratter boys is in touch wiff your inner self?
Steady on Hippo! Ah'm ah sensin' a wee bit o' jealousy or summit?? Seems the Gaylander section must be lackin' in summit... or ye really want one o' these durty bad boys:p:p:D:D:D

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