
New Member
Long story short - have changed the clutch, was going to do it the engine out way so disconnected everything to get it out but in the end took the box out.

Anyway its all back together and it wont start. Diagnosed a dead lift pump, change it along with new injector pipes and leak off rail but still wont start.

Cracked the top pipe nuts off and when cranking fuel is pumping out, even removed No1 injector and reconnected to the pipe and its spraying.

So why isnt the ******* thing starting?

Need to get compression tester to check that aas thats my only thought.

Its a 300tdi non EDC.

Going to Wales next week so sort of desperate :(
Did it get run briefly before clutch change (sticky rings) easy start or petrol on rag by intake if you like a little danger

Secondly open one union crank and tighten as fuel comes out, repeat with all injectors to purge air
It was spot on before the clutch change, never had an issue starting it. I did try easy start before i realise the lift pump was dead it fired but sounded like a bag of spanners lol.

Not heard of the rag method might give it a go :D
have you checked the valves are lifting as they should? take off the rocker cover and crank it over. i would unplug the stop solenoid just in case it does fire. the last thing you want is oil ****ing everywhere!
It's a derv. All you needs is fuel and compression. And bit of warmth is its s bit cold. Try a sniff of brake cleaner rather than ez start as its less likely to lock the lump up, in the trade we call it knock and lock if to much used.
Sounds obvious. Are the glow plugs doing there thing. Are they wired in seeing as you had stuff off. Check all other wiring I can't think of anything that won't let it start apart from the supply to glow plugs. But you never know. Apart from that id spray some brake cleaner up the inlet. You don't need much but a quick spray every few seconds will keep it running. Or bleed injectors one by one. Whilst someone is turning it over.

Also worth checking battery voltage.
ITS ALIVE !!!!!!!!

Just took a small squirt of easy start, a few pops and bangs and she roared into life with a massive cloud of grey smoke :D

what a pain in the butt, self bleeding system my arse :D

Thanks for all the tips :) Now got less than a week to get it ready for Wales :D
ITS ALIVE !!!!!!!!

Just took a small squirt of easy start, a few pops and bangs and she roared into life with a massive cloud of grey smoke :D

what a pain in the butt, self bleeding system my arse :D

Thanks for all the tips :) Now got less than a week to get it ready for Wales :D

;) well there you go

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