
  • 05-11-2014 10;12;48.JPG
    05-11-2014 10;12;48.JPG
    315.2 KB · Views: 108
Looks a bit of a beast (from what we can see anyway). Any idea why they never made more? Does he still have that vehicle?

It was, originally it had a V8 petrol but he was a diesel freak and put a TS3 in it out of a Commer tractor unit. They were built with the military in mind. Land Rover invited him down to Gaydon to run it against their petrol version. The diesel p*ssed all over the petrol. Designers were very impressed with what he had done. No he doesn't have it anymore, that photo as taken over thirty years ago.:eek: Looking at it now is bringing back a lot of memories, did you notice the exhaust ? it's the vertical piece of 4x2 box section by the back wheel.:) I tracked it down many years ago, might go looking again, will need another project as soon as the E type is finished.:D
Think you are getting a bit mixed up about your engines. Indirect injection is where fuel is injected into a manifold or venturi before the mixture enters the cylinder on petrol engines. Direct injection petrol engines inject directly into the cylinder as opposed to into the manifold or inlet tract. Fuel is injected into the compressed charge in the cylinder at or just before TDC that is how a diesel works. Diesels with the injector nozzle actually in the combustion chamber knock, that is why a pre-combustion chamber is used to help stop diesel knock. But fuel is still being injected into the compressed charge. Modern diesels use heater plugs to assist cold start because they are set lean to avoid the clouds of black smoke associated with diesel cold starts where extra fuel was introduced by a cold start lever.
Sorry, direct injection high reving car engines are relatively new, most used to be indirect injection into a swirl chamder as in the Ricardo Comet V design. The Transit 2.5 was one of the first small capacity high reving direct injection diesels for road vehicles and had no glow plugs.
Larger and low revving engines certainly were direct injection as in the old Volvo Penta engine in my boat, had no glow plugs and would run/start with no electrics. Strangely, newer Volvo marine engines went to indirect injection for a time.
It was, originally it had a V8 petrol but he was a diesel freak and put a TS3 in it out of a Commer tractor unit. They were built with the military in mind. Land Rover invited him down to Gaydon to run it against their petrol version. The diesel p*ssed all over the petrol. Designers were very impressed with what he had done. No he doesn't have it anymore, that photo as taken over thirty years ago.:eek: Looking at it now is bringing back a lot of memories, did you notice the exhaust ? it's the vertical piece of 4x2 box section by the back wheel.:) I tracked it down many years ago, might go looking again, will need another project as soon as the E type is finished.:D
Were the military just not interested or something? What on earth made him sell it? XD Lol yeah saw the exhaust, was that the original or a replacement? Did it have seats in the back?

Any other pics of it? :)
in vehicle engines direct injection is injection direct in to cylinder(combustion chamber in piston) , indirect into a combustion chamber in the head, indirect was a simple cheap solution to make a diesel car engine, technology moves on and modern injection systems have allowed the benefits of direct injection to become the norm
in vehicle engines direct injection is injection direct in to cylinder(combustion chamber in piston) , indirect into a combustion chamber in the head, indirect was a simple cheap solution to make a diesel car engine, technology moves on and modern injection systems have allowed the benefits of direct injection to become the norm

Direct and indirect injection also applies to petrol engines. TDI is a copyrighted trade name of the VW company. :);)
Were the military just not interested or something? What on earth made him sell it? XD Lol yeah saw the exhaust, was that the original or a replacement? Did it have seats in the back?

Any other pics of it? :)

Nicked by the Customs & Excise, lots of money had to change hands. He had converted the box chassis into extra fuel tanks (red).Not the original exhaust and yes it had seats, two huge luxury one's in the front and three behind them. That left room for a massive freight area behind them. I have only one more which show's my son standing in front of it, the one I posted shows most of the detail.:)
It does. TDI may be a VW copyright, Ford used Tddi or Tdci, PSA use HDI etc what's in a name.

Yes i know that is why i said earlier that 200 TDI with reference to the Land rover engine does not i think mean turbo direct injection. Think it was designated turbo diesel intercooler to get round the copyright. Back in 1989 when the 200 TDI first saw light of day VW were still pretty touchy about their trade mark. Now, as you say what's in a name. :);)

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