New Member
Hi i would like to say hello to everyone, i am just waiting for my new 57 plate defender 90 hardtop to be built and delvered.

i already have a few plans for it!


you mean your 90 int bin delvered grunt? and hello stud 90 ..smirke stud
ah think we'll just call you popper
I say Slob old boy wifeys 90 is still in the showroom my Range Rover should be delivered after we return from the villa in the Seyschelles. Would someone please pass the port.
oo ratheeer mr grunt; i say are you have 28" gold plated wheels or will go outragious and try the 32" platium ones.

another sniffer ?
Would one like a smidgen of brandy in that as well, wot wot? it's does wonders after a delicious repast;)

eeewwww!! MR Grunt its that rather common bus person ....isn't he teh one that got his money from a lottery win? how common..
(bloody peasants)
anyways lets retire to the smoking room wiff a SNIFFTER of brandy and a fine cooban cigar
eeewwww!! MR Grunt its that rather common bus person ....isn't he teh one that got his money from a lottery win? how common..
(bloody peasants)

FM!!! I wish, would've prefersd that to the hand me down estate, wot
he dosen't even have a new car.. but some old escort estate thats bin handed down from generation to generation
As your probably beginning to realise. there's quiet a bit of leg pulling and **** taking goes on. but it's all just a bit of fun.

Welcome to the LoonyZone

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