Did you ship it back?

We're there main roads down or did you deviate for the scenery?

Did you have the any issues, borders, mechanical?
Did you ship it back?

We're there main roads down or did you deviate for the scenery?

Did you have the any issues, borders, mechanical?

no shipping back. we decided to stay down here.
you can do the whole trip almost on tar or very good track if you want to. but we spent alot of time off road.
boarders are ok. aslong as you have everything in order. mechanical was mostly good. did a turbo in angola, and a couple wheel bearings and rear diff in namibia and zambia, my own fault for treating Africa like a pay and play!
did a little trip to South Africa starting in October 2015, just thought id share a picture or 2 with you, some may recognise the vehicle.

before i left UK..









South Africa..

Most enjoyable images, thank you. Did you travel in convoy and what, if any, security scares or issues did you experience during the trip? I truly admire your spirit.
Most enjoyable images, thank you. Did you travel in convoy and what, if any, security scares or issues did you experience during the trip? I truly admire your spirit.

me and wife in one car, my brother in law and his partner in another, we traveled together for 6 months. then money dictated we went seperate ways, they went half way back up the east we couldnt afford it with our plans of staying here.

no security scares to mention. one guy tried to start a fight in marocco/zagora, but i put that down to drugs and maybe the complete overwhelming amount of "rich" westerners floating around... maybe i could mention the 8 or 9 AK47s pointed at me in burkina faso, but that was down to the attack on the coffee shop in Ouagadougou. we were camping just outside of town and it was the police wanting to know who we were and why we were there. once they ralised we were tourists they left one guy with his AK watching over us making sure we were safe for the night.
me and wife in one car, my brother in law and his partner in another, we traveled together for 6 months. then money dictated we went seperate ways, they went half way back up the east we couldnt afford it with our plans of staying here.

no security scares to mention. one guy tried to start a fight in marocco/zagora, but i put that down to drugs and maybe the complete overwhelming amount of "rich" westerners floating around... maybe i could mention the 8 or 9 AK47s pointed at me in burkina faso, but that was down to the attack on the coffee shop in Ouagadougou. we were camping just outside of town and it was the police wanting to know who we were and why we were there. once they ralised we were tourists they left one guy with his AK watching over us making sure we were safe for the night.

That's very good to hear. I look forward to any further images that you may be planning to post. Regards to you and your wife. :p
Well done all four of you! I take my hat off to all four of you. Looks like a superb trip. Love that evening picture in Morroco with the starry sky.
I don't think I would have the bottle to do that. I suspect I must be like many people who think it must be extremely dangerous for white westerners to to roam about off the beaten track through Africa. Perhaps we have a distorted view of the situation. Is it a case of doing small visits and gaining confidence and experience or did you just go for it big style first visit?
Well done all four of you! I take my hat off to all four of you. Looks like a superb trip. Love that evening picture in Morroco with the starry sky.
I don't think I would have the bottle to do that. I suspect I must be like many people who think it must be extremely dangerous for white westerners to to roam about off the beaten track through Africa. Perhaps we have a distorted view of the situation. Is it a case of doing small visits and gaining confidence and experience or did you just go for it big style first visit?
my wife and brother are both from SA and i have been before. but th`ts much like europe compaired to the rest of africa, original plan was just morocco. then we just went for it. its certainly not safe enough to just not worry... but your gut feeling is quite good at telling you when your ok...
what a fantastic looking trip, as others have said plse keep the pics and videos coming
my wife and brother are both from SA and i have been before. but th`ts much like europe compaired to the rest of africa, original plan was just morocco. then we just went for it. its certainly not safe enough to just not worry... but your gut feeling is quite good at telling you when your ok...
Hmmmm..........you make it sound not so bad, but I still admire your bottle. :) A once in a lifetime adventure for most people and a massive achievement. Well done, people.
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Will check out your blog. What are your plans now you're staying out there?

yep plans are just in process of buying a house out here so we have a base to travel the rest of southern africa from... and to give some income at some point. traveling is not cheap lol! and also i want to open a garage again out here building vehicles for people!

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