series 3 sweet 16

Active Member
my ex,

just found hers taken out the barn. it has been reported and now we just sit back and wait. she had a tgv 2.8 race tuned in there and all! any way not my problem but it has been reported and it's broken down awaiting tow, they got nicked i think? let you know when i hear more.

dont think she will press charges though! ****
:wtf: cant you speak in english... your words dont make sense. :) who, what, she, her, they, whats it all about?? :confused: ffs its like one of those microphone comedy sketches with half the words missin. :rolleyes:
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ex just had her landy nicked, its been reported ans so now we have to wait was the original post. (sorry minty) had to say on here quick, Anyway its found and safe again so got my landy back now as she aint keeping it after that, Its a £26k winch challenger!
She won't press charges??!!

Then why did she report it stolen?!?!? Why not just let the thieving pieces of **** have it?

Anyway, if the bobby's got half a brain she won't have a choice. Well done old bill.
ex just had her landy nicked, its been reported ans so now we have to wait was the original post. (sorry minty) had to say on here quick, Anyway its found and safe again so got my landy back now as she aint keeping it after that, Its a £26k winch challenger!

I smell dung.

So was this hers or yours? And by 'taking it back' do you think thieves will say, 'oh deary me, its the blokeys again, we cant nick it now'?


If its worth 26K its some winch challeng mota I've seen 30K spent but the motors still only worth 15K best. Sweet 16 I put it to you that your full o ****e!

Anyone else want to take the role of chief Bull*****r?
most stolen are pictured i will pm when i figure this out, just learnt to quote message. thanks NAS you had to go to MY account and say didnt you.

**** sake!!
:ban: mmmmm drugs. whos on drugs? i dont understand this thread :eek:

Basically series 3 sweet 16 is a complete wazzock, compulsive liar and site moron.
200plus posts and he has only just worked out how to quote!!!

Hows yer 58year old misses who yer having ivf with who is also your children's adoptive mother, the children you had with you 6 years older ex misses who is mad, and you sired them when you were 11! oh how are you getting on with your 20odd 200tdi defender engines all with less that 46k on em?

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Likable guy then :eek:!!! Am still confused why would you take the time to make up a bull **** post!!! :multiply:

Especially if you cant even communicate in english... :p
Likable guy then :eek:!!! Am still confused why would you take the time to make up a bull **** post!!! :multiply:

Especially if you cant even communicate in english... :p

There is something not right here, If I am wrong I will apologise un reservedly.
I just find some of the stuff this guy spouts exaggerated or made up.
He could just be a bit mental and the asylum only lets him log on after he has taken his meds:lol:
He could just be a bit mental and the asylum only lets him log on after he has taken his meds:lol:

If he's on meds he's either not taking them, or he is in serious need of a medication review because they are far from effective. ;);););)
If he's not on meds, then he bloody well should be :eek::eek::eek::eek::eek:

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