Last Action Pimp

New Member
Hey all!! I passed my test Yesterday and have been out in my landy quite a bit! but all is not as good as it seems!!!

I have noticed a slight oil leak (not the normal engine one) Its not gushing out but its not a small drip (it needs sortin!) and it seems to be coming from the gearbox area! (in the middle of the landy)

also the gearbox has become noisy (quite crunchy) but still works fine but feels like it is low on oil!

Is there a common seal that goes on them? if so how easy is it to fix??

Tomorrow i am going to top up all the fluids & clean off the underside so i can try and find out where it is coming from! i though i might as well ask on here (it might give me an advantage!)

It has been sat for a while (only used once every couple of weeks since november) and i dont know before that!

Thanks Guys

Could be one of a few thinks, as you said clean it up, fill it up and see Ware you go from there. but while your on i would drain both boxes and get sum fresh oil in there.
well they all leak to some extent , but check your gearbox breathers arn't blocked and fill it with oil . should be atf in your gearbox . and ep90 in yer transfer box . they can get a bad leak between the main gearbox and the transfer box , it's a seal thingy . it's no big problem to replace but it's messy .

well done on the driving test .
cheers!! Yeah i can do most things on it (i am a trained motorcycle mechanic & my best mate is an audi mechanic!) so between us we should be able to do it!

when i find the problem i will fix it and change nearly all the fluids on it! (all bar brake) always good to start afresh!
at least when it's leaking you now it's got oil in it , it's when it don't leak you'v got to worry !!
Why 'all bar brake' ?

If it's more than 2 years old and you don't know when the last change of brake fluid was - brake fluid would be the first thing I'd change!

This oil leak - what colour is it?

brake fluid will need doing but it will be after i have done the others!

i think its a bluey/greeny colour! (i can't remember that well!)
Good on yer sonny. If the oils red to very dark red it's from your gearbox and probably the output shaft seal, if it's anything from grey to dark brown its from the transfer box and there's loads of places it could leak from there. If it's a steady drip the seals may swell and stop but I doubt it. Sounds like you'll be taking the transfer box and gear box out if it's the seals between the two.
right been tinkering today!

went out and got the oils, thought i best check under the bonnet and i checked the coolant and topped it up (it needed alot of topping up)

so could my problem be due to over heating! i was stuck in heavy traffic just before i spotted the leak and the temp was just in the red. but it seems to be better now.

going to top up all the oils tomorrow and see what happens

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