Thanks - got it home drove nicely (well in 2 gears) and the midges are too bad to have a look tonight. My mate's bet me a tenner its the selector fork, so if theyre right what am I looking for? - and is it an easy fix - or is it easier to get a new box off the computer?

Quite different to a 90 though jeeeesus.
its years since ave done one but ah think yer can do it just by removing the top of yer box. i'll check the big book of landies fer yer if yer like
easy fix.. in the car. If you can get the old parts from the bottom of the case.

Drain it and look around for the fork or bits with your finger and/or a flashlight.

Its a bit of a pain to get the top off in the car. BUt still can be done without lifting the box out.

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