i am also having to go on a course to get a certificate so i can buy the gas

that'll be the f-gas course then. got to do this myself, been servicing the electrical side of gas extinguishing systems for nigh on 22 years now, my responsibility stops at the solenoid on the cylinder, test the detection and actuation, and control and signalling functions only

Now, just because it's connected to the cylinder which contains gas, I have to learn all about leak detection, gas properties, mechanical inspection of installed pipework systems. No longer satisfactory to check the pressure gauge on the cylinder and record no pressure loss therefore it hasn't leaked.

oh, and have to pay for it too.
and good air con operatives will have two thermometers, one outside the car, and one tucked in the vents to show everything is working properly when they have finished aircon service
I believe there is a loophole in the new F gas regulations, if you don't vac and recover just top up you don't need to be qualified. This is how Halfords and Qwick rip get away with it.
Having looked into this a bit more - the MAC (EC/307/2008) F-Gas regulations appear to only apply to those individuals involved in recovery of gases. Nothing to stop peeps continually pumping gas into a leaking system :eek:
I would never let Kwik Fit loose on my car but took the missus Micra for 4 new tyres & an MOT, won't go into detail but they screwed up royally, went home got on their web site & complained, within the hour I had a call from the regional manager offering me the tyres at cost & a free MOT, I told him to stick it, I would rather pay double than to let them clowns loose with their spanners. If you don't get satisfaction at the branch that did it, get on the net.

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