
New Member

Picked up a second hand L494 and seriously loving it. Best car I've ever driven.

I have a few Qs please:

1) InControl Secure - This was already on someones account so got dealer to remove it and add it to mine. After all said and done my expiry shows 3 year from now. Did I get lucky?

2) InControl Protect - Ditto as above

3) InControl Apps and Remote - I assume I cant get these added to the car now?

4) How does the car communicate? Does it have a built it in SIM card?

5) Can I add wifi to the car? Where would the SIM card slot be?

6) Has anyone found a solution to getting Apple CarPlay added to the car?

7) Where are the maps stored and how much to update them? Dealer said £300!!

Many Thanks in advance

I always hate to point newbies to other forums, but you may find this site more helpful in this instance as they are more up to date than we are....a 2016 model may be to new for us....but that being said, whatever you learn you can always post on here as this is how the rest of us will learn and begin being more up to date with the newer models....

Except the Ejoke...the Ejoke can go feck off :D:D
At 3 years old why the hell are you on this site, if you can afford a 3 year old motor you can afford to pay a stealer £300
At 3 years old why the hell are you on this site, if you can afford a 3 year old motor you can afford to pay a stealer £300

My thoughts were more along the lines of 'these are things the dealer should have pointed out , OR, questions you should have asked when handing over your fairly large sum of cash. Or be able to phone the dealer back and ask them.'
I know JLR are a bit rubbish with anything 4yrs or older but three is still within the magic bracket , where they should be pretending it's all about you.
Not sure many dealer staff understand the incontrol system, and they're even less capable at communicating it ! Pages and pages in the handbook about it
Not sure many dealer staff understand the incontrol system, and they're even less capable at communicating it ! Pages and pages in the handbook about it
Pages and pages on google about it too. ;) Although one would hope with a 3yr old vehicle the handbook would still be present. However, both those options would mean having to do some work to find the answers. Why do that when the lovely folks at LZ can do the work bit. Doesn't matter what age or model the vehicle, sometimes, much to the chagrin of some, RTFM IS the answer ;)
Sorry gold rover but my heart’s bleeding for him:D:D
I get it and I agree , just under £30k for car and won't pay 1% to keep it up to date*, what's going to happen when repairs are needed. It also explains why a lot of these vehs end up in sh1t condition. It's like I said in another post, people will buy for the badge and keep the bits the neighbours, etc, see, nice and shiny, but don't want the running costs. Or don't think of running costs when taking out the HP.

* personally I would have made the up to date maps a deal breaker. Dealer won't lose a sale for that amount of money.
I'd read the manual, as odd as that sounds, in my opinion it took a few double takes from me regarding the features of modern RR's/

I had to look in the manual to work the satnag on an L405! ;)
Wow so many nice words here. All very welcoming.

How do I delete my account please?

You can't , the alternative name for the site is Hotel California.
You could however take the banter , the facts , and the information given , and give thanks for the info and laugh at the banter. Especially as you seem a tad old for a snowflake moment ;) ( although at 39 I think you might be on the cusp)*

@DanClarke dunno about the rest but I'd only be welljel if it was Full Fat like @Tigger Eeyore & Roo 's mean machine ;) :D

Addit* @RangeRoller dt was I this nice to you :D
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I'd read the manual, as odd as that sounds, in my opinion it took a few double takes from me regarding the features of modern RR's/

I had to look in the manual to work the satnag on an L405! ;)
As I said earlier, sometimes , it's the only answer. Jumping in and out all types of brand new ones recently, it showed me that these days , it's not Haynes that is the bible, it's the owner's manual. Trying to find how to open the bloody fuel cap release, on the LC was embaraasing enough to make me reach for TFM :oops:
Apart from anything else, am I the only one , who on purchasing a vehicle spends 10 minutes pressing buttons, then that evening , sitting in it, reading what I should've done?:D:D
It's getting hard to know what to say when another modern LR driver is driven away. I can't speak for BluehorizonUK, bit I run mine out of complete dedication to the marque and I'd never be able to afford another one. This one's got to last to retirement (another 9 1/2 years, which should take it to around 400,000 miles). And, if it's still working, I'll keep it going a bit longer...

We're not that different to others on here, when we're running these for love of the marque, not because we're filthy rich. If we get a newbie, why be hostile?

I visit fullfat forum, but LandyZone is brilliant for other reasons. Just please don't be d1ck5 when it comes to owners of the newer stuff (I know most of you aren't).


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