
I recently bought a Discovery 2, 2004, black, nice looking but has since developed the M&S lights! Humph.

Never owned a LR before so plenty of reading done here over the last 2 weeks. Couple of queries to add to the technical area in a minute. Hope one of you can offer some advice and answer Qs. Thanks and speak soon.
Welcome @Otto Von Schnauzer

Did they name a dog after you??

From a fellow D2 owner, a few words of advice.

Download the rave manual.
Find / make a friend who has a nanocom / hawkeye
Get a second working key.
Make sure you know how to use the EKA and it works.

Thank you.

I do have a dog of the same name!

Thanks for the rave pointer. I think I can get access to the Hawkeye. I’ve aleady repaired the second key that came with it (broken). Don’t know what the EKA but will find out this evening! Thanks again.
Welcome to the forum

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