
Just agreed to buy a 1999 V plate DHSE with 129k for £3800, she has two owners and a good history, they replaced the air suspension compressor at 100k. I read some reviews and they say dont touch them but you guys seem to love them. Used to own a 300 tdi Disco which I loved and never gave me a days trouble (apart from the £650 diesel pump!) Did wonder if it was worth paying the extra money for a 1999- £4k was my budget as there seem to be lots of 1996/7 around with similar mileage. Wanted this cos it was blue and they all seemed to be green!

Tell me I am doing the right thing and that she is a fair price! Picking up on Tuesday :confused:
Yup its a P38, Why///
oh dear:doh:

if you havent handed over the cash i suggest you search on ere,or go to the range rover section and just read thru some of the threads..

they are plagued with electrickery problems,suspension problems,basically they are a drain on the funds more than any other landrover is
Really...havent handed over the cash yet, its just the other half wanted one and we thought the BMW engine was a good one. Really worried now
After owning a p38-I'd recommend a disco diesel for reliability, p38 is like syphilis when they go bad.

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