RR Qatar

Active Member
Morning all, am usually over in the RR and Disco sections but the wife decided she wanted a new motor for when we are in the UK and to my surprise said this was the one (needless to say I was quietly chuffed)
So have ordered a disklok and searched for other ways to secure it and am now looking at trackers but what I am after knowing is how good is the factory alarm which is both perimetric & volumetric so can it be improved upon without retrofitting a complete new system. Cheers.
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That is one very lovely car....forget the alarms and other means of securing it.....if I had that, I would probably sleep in it.:D
If you're out of the UK for long periods of time (as your location suggests) i'd seriously look at secure storage for that rather than just adding security to it. One of those self storage compounds with 24 hour security perhaps.
I have a garage but my P38 has been parked up in there for years now so it maybe time to try and get it fired up and make way for this one.
As for bedding down in it not for me I'm afraid, it is the wife's and she will probably prefer kipping in it rather than listen to me snore like a pig!

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