Hold on, "they were on about your deposit you fool" and "here we go again" nice. Cheers for all your help guys much appreciated. Fookin hell, i get a better response off the boy racer websites rather than people telling me how much they paid for there cars. Why dont you just say "your a mug"....

Im sure one of you is witty enough to reply with "your a mug" arent you?
Hold on, "they were on about your deposit you fool" and "here we go again" nice. Cheers for all your help guys much appreciated. Fookin hell, i get a better response off the boy racer websites rather than people telling me how much they paid for there cars. Why dont you just say "your a mug"....

Im sure one of you is witty enough to reply with "your a mug" arent you?

I wouldn't say you were a mug after all a new deepender is in the mid 20k's I paid £800 for my disco so a £1000 deposit is a lot of money too me. As it probably is to a lot of other people on here. If you don't want people to comment on the amount of money your spending then don't mention it.

However as to the comments/help you've received I take it you had a look around the site and knew what you were letting yourself into when you registered so you haven't really got anyone but yourself to blame if your not happy with your reception so far. Caveat Emptor applies as much to joining a website as it does to buying a vehicle. There are plenty of LR & 4X4 forums that take themselves very seriously. But this isn't one of them.
Shrew - did yu read any of the threads on here before yu joined up?

If yu did - then yu will have realised a certain amount of iss-taking takes place. If yu didnt then - yu shd have. Congrats on ya purchase - there are always peeps which will have got there motors cheaper - maybe fur nothing. If yu is happy with ya lot - dont worry.

Marcus hit the nail on the head - decide what yu want to do with ya motor, then the goodies will become more obvious.
Yeh to be honest i dont know anything about this site, just thought a bit of banter and all that, fair comment on the dont mention how much etc but i just thought i mihg tget something more along the lines of "yeh thats about the going rate" etc not "ooh mines cheaper". I also dont see how "Caveat Emptor" applies to joining a forum whatsoever considering i havent made a purchase? I also dont take myself seriously but i can see this is one of those clique websites so i will leave well alone.
LOL - this a clique website - ho ho ho.

Shrew - how do yu reconcile "i havent actually said how much it cost me?" and "i just thought i mihg tget something more along the lines of "yeh thats about the going rate""

Ok - "yup - a grand deposit is about the going rate" its the usual deposit for a £500 car and a £25K one.
Dont be so childish - if yu dont say how much the car cost - how can we comment on it - yu only told us the deposit - and yup - some peeps got cars cheaper - but if yu checked prices beforehand - as yu sed yu did - wot do ya want? - A pat on the back?

Welcome to Landy ownership!
ooking hell this one has spirit, sorry "Yu" have got spirit, so im childish? I dont think so, but i think you will find security in the others off this sight, i mean you are a senior member after all and that does hold status around these parts. Consider this me backing down, i will return to the outerskirts of the pack until i reach a certain amount of posts and go through the becoming man ritual on here, how does that go by the way? Do i get paddled? or maybe driven over by a 4x4 by yu?, no that would be childish i suppose
They were on aboot the £1000 deposit yer fool

I stand corrected...........youre a fool with a chip on his shoulder....ffs yur avatar is steve coogan a comedian i.e. a fool.

First accesory you should get fur yur defender a feckin potato peeler to remove yur chip

Welcome to the site:D
I havent got a chip on me shoulder! Honestly i havent! I dont know, i just wanted some advice and got a bit bored of people giving me useless £££ comments. That combined with beer and boredom i guess. Yes Steve Coogan is my avatar, im going to change it now.
I havent got a chip on me shoulder! Honestly i havent! I dont know, i just wanted some advice and got a bit bored of people giving me useless £££ comments. That combined with beer and boredom i guess. Yes Steve Coogan is my avatar, im going to change it now.

Thas betterer. Cant beat a bit of CHiPS
Yowsers and in a massive font too. No need for that, calling me a nobber is one thing but a NOBBER in font 32 is out of order..

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