Do as I do and drink lots of alcohol. It seems to work. Or that's my excuse anyways! lol
My wife, on the other hand, doesn't drink very much and gets bitten rotten.
Good luck.

I suppose if you consume enough alcohol the midges won't be noticed.
I suppose if you consume enough alcohol the midges won't be noticed.
It's not that they will not notice me, but the fact that they are so drunk from my blood the fly into cliffs and rocks, thus ending their days - hopefully. lol
Oh, one more thing, and it's something that I reckon is most important. It was quite a few years ago that, during my years of learning - including medicine, that I learned of the following knowledge. And this is something I have lived with and enjoyed for several decades since. In 1942, a female belonging to an American Indian settlement was diagnosed by a (paleface) doctor as having contracted a Necra virus, which is to say it eats flesh to survive and kills the host.
The said Doctor advised the Tribe to amputate the woman's arms, where the infection lived, so she would survive.
And I kid you not, with what I am writing. This is a true and accurate account.
The tribe told the Doctor they would deal with the problem themselves. Which they did.

They took the infected woman and placed her into what they call a, sweat-tent. Which is a tent that is like a steam-room. They then kept her drunk on alcohol for a week, inside the sweat-tent.
After the week they allowed her to sober-up and return to normal. She survived with some damage to her hands and wrists. Otherwise she was okay.

The moral of this story is thus. Drink alcohol and survive. I've been doing it for years and am as healthy as I was at 21 years of age. Honestly!

How the hell Moslems survive I really don't know? lol
Viruses are killed by, the Immune system, heat and alcohol. Which is why you are told not to consume alcohol when taking certain medicines.

Alcohol can be a saviour. I can tell you other stories, but will save them for another time.

Chin-chin FL1 owners. Stay alive and well.
Oh, one more thing, and it's something that I reckon is most important. It was quite a few years ago that, during my years of learning - including medicine, that I learned of the following knowledge. And this is something I have lived with and enjoyed for several decades since. In 1942, a female belonging to an American Indian settlement was diagnosed by a (paleface) doctor as having contracted a Necra virus, which is to say it eats flesh to survive and kills the host.
The said Doctor advised the Tribe to amputate the woman's arms, where the infection lived, so she would survive.
And I kid you not, with what I am writing. This is a true and accurate account.
The tribe told the Doctor they would deal with the problem themselves. Which they did.

They took the infected woman and placed her into what they call a, sweat-tent. Which is a tent that is like a steam-room. They then kept her drunk on alcohol for a week, inside the sweat-tent.
After the week they allowed her to sober-up and return to normal. She survived with some damage to her hands and wrists. Otherwise she was okay.

The moral of this story is thus. Drink alcohol and survive. I've been doing it for years and am as healthy as I was at 21 years of age. Honestly!

How the hell Moslems survive I really don't know? lol
Viruses are killed by, the Immune system, heat and alcohol. Which is why you are told not to consume alcohol when taking certain medicines.

Alcohol can be a saviour. I can tell you other stories, but will save them for another time.

Chin-chin FL1 owners. Stay alive and well.
What the story doesn't say, is that she died of liver failure a week later :D
What the story doesn't say, is that she died of liver failure a week later :D
Excellent ending, Grumpy. lol ...
My delay in replying is I have just moved house and my computer went tits-up. I've had to replace the HDD as well as reprogramming it while moving into my new abode. Jeez, what a palaver!
Having said that, yesterday, I removed all four injectors - to clean and check for any carbon, especially as the journey I took to Scotland and back was long and hard-going. Also, there was a slight evidence of blue smoke when starting.
The injectors were okay, except for the usual build-up of ash deposits around the nozzle. I stripped all four nozzles, and the spread of fuel through each was excellent before cleaning. The No4 injector's body, beneath the rubber seal, had oiled up - where the copper seal/washer may not have been effective enough. That was replaced. All the other seals were as new, but were also replaced.
So, all-in-all, the car is going tickety-boo. Thankfully.
I'm now off to enjoy some liquid medicine.

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