
New Member
Well I found an old coin when I was giving my mate a helping hand to landscape some of his garden ,the coin is quite big in size ,all dark greenish and with some kinda hard stuff on it cant tell what kinda coin & NO IT'S NOT A WASHER :p joking ,so $64,000 question is "HOW DO CLEAN IT ":confused: any help on this anyone I know it's not about L/ROVERS stuff but something different sorry to bore everyone:) might be rich after this .......:D

If it's big it's probably what's known as a cartwheel penny. They were Georgian I believe and don't fill in the retirement form just yet, they arn't worth that much.
Try cleaning it with H.P. sauce !!! it usualy works well on copper / brass etc.
A.T.B. and if you find out what it is, let us know.
hehe - electrolysis is the way to clean this. It'll make it as bright as it was when it was brand new. The home way of doing this involves a car battery, a sink full of water and some jump leads(or maybe something smaller...... I'm not joking either. I'll get my dad to come on as he knows exactly the process involved in electrolysis....
Well got it kinda cleaned with using a few things colc,vinegar and few other things ,and found a date of 1707 on one side with some kinda head on it, it looks like copper it's about 35mm in diamater,so I guess your correct cruisermik I looked into Ebay for something the same as and it looked very like the Cartwheel coin.I'll have to get a metal detector now to see if there's more. Many thanks to everyone for there help........

Thanks Wilson
-Just one quick addition, from my school boy days (when i collected such things -can't believe i was SOoooo boring!) Collectors like coins in 'as is' condition i.e. not polished or cleaned. I was always told that coins loose their value if they are cleaned/polished.
I basically tried to resurrect the oldest thread I could find on the forum. Looks like the OP is nowhere to be seen though :(
Ha ha ha..... I actually read through the fred and didn't realise how bloody old it was till I read your last post

This isn't bumping the fred... it's more like smacking it with Land Rover tool number 1!

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