Yes it is, theres a small fan in there and it draws air over a sensor. It is used to keep the inside of the car at the desired setting.
Yes it could, the normal thing to happen with them is that they draw in dust and then the dashes get cleaned with a dash shine/cleaner of some sort which enters the fan and then more dust, and eventually it gets gummed up and stoppes the fan.
well that how got damaged cleaning it just went and straighted it out and the book has not returned maydo after driving.i tried the a/c as never had it on and the light to say its on flashes what does this mean?
The light on the air con switch flashes when the system is first switched off then the light will stay on, if the orange light is off then the aircon is switched on, i know it all sounds backwards but thats Land rover for ya
By the way GTI did you finish your lpg system???
The light on the air con switch flashes when the system is first switched off then the light will stay on, if the orange light is off then the aircon is switched on, i know it all sounds backwards but thats Land rover for ya
By the way GTI did you finish your lpg system???
what:confused: dont say that haha when the light is off the a/c is on? and when the light is off a/c is on?
yes mate had it running on gas a week today and despite everything its turned out really well and run's perfect i even rang tinley tec as i did not think was switching over its runs so smooth but i will put a full step by step post on when i get round to it thanks for asking mate.
Hi Gti, good to hear the lpg is running well, am looking forward to plenty of pics and a write up..

Your Air con light is right. when the light is on, the air con is off. When the light is flashing it means that the climate control needs to add cool air to the cabin but cant because the air con is off, its just a gentle reminder that the compressor is disabled.
Good to hear the lpg is running ok, Yes it`s right with the aircon switch lamp i know it sounds backwards but you`ll get used to the quirky little p38 things eventually
Lookind forward to the pics though.
strange.. when my light is off . its off.. when the light is on i see the revs go down slightly as the compressor kicks in... allways ran with the light off.
Maybe someone has reversed the switch but it is supposed to be light on ac off light off ac on. If you look at the button it says ac off so when this off switch is switched on it lights up to show that the off switch is activated and switches the ac off
Confused yet

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