Hi all!

Can anyone help? Have a 1996 Defender 110 CSW 300Tdi. When braking there is a sharp judder, but only torward the end just before the vehicle stops. (slow speed only). Someone suggested adjusting the handbrake, as this could have an effect. I have done so, but the judder is the same. There is also a leak by the left (driver's side) swivel pin housing. Could they be related? Any help would be appreciated!

aka CommanderKeen
The handbrake will have NO effect on braking, the only thing that connects the two is that they are both brakes.

It could be that the disc is contaminated with oil from the swivel housing, and as a result its sort of holding and letting go rapidly giving a juddering effect, does it pull to one side at all?

Or it could be that the retention spings/clips are fooked and its letting the pad move too much and its sort of bouncing as you brake.

It could be your discs are distorted/warped or have uneven disc wear patterns.

I would get in amongst them and have a good look about. If it is oil contamination then get your swivel fixed, then use brake cleaner/alcohol to clean the oil off the disc/pads.
Thanks for the reply 'Discomania'.

The vehicle does not pull to the side. It only occurs at low speed, just before coming to a stop. It gets worse as you go slower.

The brake disc did get contaminated with oil. It was cleaned. Perhaps not properly. I took it to a garage to have the leak looked at, and they replaced the oil with grease. However, I don't think they did anything about the original leak. The pads were changed at the same time. The disc does not appear distorted, however I will have another look at the disc and the pads.
You really need to take the wheel off and take the edge of a steel rule to the disc to get an idea if its distorted or not, it only needs to be out by the slightest amount, (less than 1mm).

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