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my disco vibrates quite strongly when I hit around 50mph
I've recently had the timing belt done and was fine after, I have also had to replace the diesel injection pump and uplift pump after the old one threw a wobbly!.
when I vibration/juddering started I was told to replace the rubber donut on the prop (done).....still vibrating!,
had it up on a lift and ran it in gear and discovered load rumbling from rear diff.....spent sunday removing and replacing rear diff and the vibration is still there!!!!!!
front drivers CV need replacing but don't think that is causing the vibration.
any ideas on what I have to change next or has the timing slipped?
any help would be greatly received as at the moment it's emptying my bank account and I seem to be getting nowhere...:confused:
Have you tried swapping front and rear tyres around? If this helps it might just be a bulge in your tyre/out of shape tyre or weight fallen off.
Can you feel the juddering through steering wheel or is it a definite mechanical rumble? Does it go away once you are past 50?
Another one we had on an old rangey was wear in the steering column UJ's. I would start with wheels/tyres first though since it seems speed specific
juddering comes through the steering wheel and my seat but also seems to vibrate through the car.
feels worse when accelerating and peaks at around 50mph, dipping the clutch eases the vibration but the longer I drive the more pronounced it seems to become (may just be me though).
will try swapping wheels round and see and hopefully that will sort but the way my luck is it won't :)
if not I will try looking at the other bits.
Sounds to me like the prop shaft UJ's - I had a similar problem a little while back where I would get some vibration 45-50 mph. Looked underneath and twisted the prop to find play in the joint itself. Changed the UJ (required a hydraulic press in my case) and it's all gone. Check your prop UJs! The sooner it's sorted the better, if one goes it could knacker your T-Box

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